The dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM) is employed to investigate the decay of 68,70Ge* compound nuclei formed respectively via tightly (4He) and loosely (6He) bound projectiles, using 64Zn target. The study is carried out over a wide energy range (Ec.m.~5 MeV to 16 MeV) by including the quadrupole deformations (β2i) and optimum orientations (θiopt) of the decaying fragments. The fusion cross-sections, obtained by adding various evaporation channels show nice agreement with the experimental data for 4He+64Zn reaction. The contribution from competing compound inelastic scattering channel is also analyzed particularly for 68Ge* nucleus at above barrier energies. On the other hand, the decrement in the fusion cross-sections of 70Ge* nuclear system is addressed by presuming that 65Zn ER is formed via two different modes:(i) the αn evaporation of 70Ge* nucleus, and (ii) 1n-evaporation of 66Zn* nuclear system, formed via breakup and 2n-transfer channels due to halo structure of the 6He projectile. Besides this, the suppression in 2np evaporation cross-sections suggests the contribution of another breakup and transfer process of 6He i.e. 4He+64Zn. The contribution of breakup+transfer channels for 6He+64Zn reaction is duly addressed by applying relevant energy corrections due to the breakup of " 6He" projectile into 2n and 4He. In addition to this, the barrier lowering, angular momentum and energy dependence effects are also explored in view of the dynamics of chosen reactions.
Amandeep Kaur, Kirandeep Sandhu, Manoj K. Sharma
. Decay Analysis of Ge Isotopes Formed in Reactions Induced by Tightly and Loosely Bound Projectiles[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2018
, 70(05)
: 565
DOI: 10.1088/0253-6102/70/5/565
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