As discussed above, analytical formula performs well in the anomalous and traditional area respectively. Although it seems hard to connect them by a unified description, numerical calculation indicates that it could be possible to give formula except the band edge anomalous region.
[17] In this work, by making use of the parametrization method proposed in a previous work,
[18] we develop a new approach to obtain the invariant distribution coincided with the result given by Hamiltonian map method in Ref.
[19]. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we briefly review the parametrization method. In Sec. 3, by expanding the integral equation in terms of $E$ and $\sigma^2$, we derive a corresponding differential equation and invariant distribution. Then, the solution of this equation is used to obtain information in two limiting cases. In Sec. 4, a Padé approximation formula is given to describe the behavior of Lyapunov exponent for the whole neighborhood of band center.