With the arrival of big data era, the Internet of things has a rapid development. It will lead to a qualitative leap of information technology again. The expressway promotion of information technology using big data is the key to establish the comprehensive traffic information management platform. Traffic incident is the most striking entry in expressway database. It can trigger a series of chain reaction, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, resource consumption, and can easily lead to secondary accidents. Therefore, monitoring the incident quickly, efficiently and timely is an important way to reduce the accident hazards. Researches on the traffic incident have been carried out more than 40 years over the world, but there has never been given a complete definition. Usually, the so-called traffic accidents are defined as the known and unknown events, which impact the road traffic flow operation.
[1] Such as traffic accidents occurred on the expressway or urban road, the vehicle broke down and the goods scattered are all called the traffic events.
[2] The cause of traffic accidents includes many aspects such as the road planning and design is not so reasonable or it may be caused by other uncertain occurrence.
[3-5] As everyone knows, the traffic incident is unpredictable and non-experimental. It is difficult to capture its potential regularity in the actual transportation system. Even more difficult is the lack of real historical data.
[6] Therefore, the expressway incident detection has always been the difficult and critical point in expressway management. Fortunately, the intelligent transportation and modern communication technologies have made a great development and make it possible to detect the expressway incident. It is possible to search the time and position of the traffic incident by comparing the differences between the normal and congested state of traffic system operation. There are a lot of outstanding work
[7-9] and many predictive models and methods.