Secondly, particular attention is paid on studying the thermodynamics of black holes in the extended phase space recently, in which the cosmological constant is identified as a thermodynamic pressure.
[7-10] Then, in first law of thermodynamics, the cosmological constant could be regarded as the thermodynamics pressure and its conjugate ``thermodynamics volume'' appears, thus the mass of the black hole should be explained as enthalpy instead of internal energy of the system. However, there are still many open questions about the thermodynamics of de Sitter space-time remaining to be settled down. The definition of the black hole temperature associated with the surface gravity fails in the absence of the asymptotically-flat limit. So that the authors
[11-12] proposed that the normalized temperature should be used. Moreover, multi-horizons appear in the situation of de Sitter space-time and the cosmological horizon plays a crucial role in the studying of the black hole thermodynamics. It was shown that the mass independent entropy relation of the multi-horizons may be helpful for us to understand the microscopic details of the gravity system,
[13-14] which might imply that the cosmological horizon might effect the thermodynamics system, and the thermodynamic properties might not be independent anymore. The thermodynamic properties might be related to each other. This suggests us the total entropy of the de Sitter black hole should not be considered easily as the sum of the entropies on the two horizons. We should also consider the entanglement part to the total entropy.