Some studies have been devoted to the probe of the phase transition of a Van der Waals-like behavior in the framework of holography.
[22-25] In Ref.
[26], the entanglement entropy and the critical behavior of the heat capacity were calculated close to the critical point for RN-AdS black holes in the background in a fixed charge ensemble. In this condition, the change of entanglement entropy with respect to the reverse of temperature was plotted. We should note that the entanglement entropy is derived by using Ryu and Takayanagi (RT) method and temperature is the black hole temperature (Hawking temperature). Since this temperature is not correspond to the entanglement temperature presented in the first law of entanglement entropy, naturally the black hole temperature is not conjugate with the entanglement entropy. Also, the phase structure of the BI-AdS black holes was considered by using the two-point correlation function and holographic entanglement entropy in Ref.
[27]. The results show that the phase transitions and critical behaviors in the framework of holography are similar to the thermal behavior of a charged-AdS black hole. The critical behaviors of black holes in the AdS space in the extended phase space have been studied where the cosmological constant behaves as a thermodynamic parameter, pressure, in the first law of thermodynamics.
[28-32] In this approach, the black hole mass $M$ is replaced with enthalpy instead of internal energy. The analogy between AdS charged black holes in an extended phase space and the Van der Waals fluid have been shown in Ref.
[33]. Also, the phase diagrams of rotating black holes with single and multiple spinnings have been shown to be similar to those of Reentrant phase transition and triple point phenomena, respectively.
[34-38] Thus, treating the cosmological constant as a variable in an extended phase space, can be significant from the holographic viewpoint.