It is expected that alternative or modified models can give better explanation of the issues of dark energy. These alternative models are called as modified theories of GR, some of which are $f(R)$, $f(R,G)$, $f(R,T)$, $f(G)$, $f(G,T)$, $f(R, R_{\alpha\beta}R^{\alpha\beta}, \phi)$, and $f(R, \phi)$ theories of gravity, where $R$, $T$, $G$, $R_{\alpha\beta}$ and $\phi$ represent Ricci scalar, the trace of the energy momentum tensor, the Gauss-Bonnet invariant, Ricci tensor and scalar potential respectively. These modern theories of gravity are expected to explain the concept of dark energy, which seems to be responsible for current cosmic expansion. Buchdahl was the first who proposed $f(R)$ gravity in 1970.
[1] Stellar structure as well as hydrostatic equilibrium have been investigated by considering the Lane-Emden equation in $f(R)$ gravity.
[2] Harko presented modified $f(R,T)$ theory.
[3] Recently, Sharif and Ikram
[4] proposed $f(G,T)$ gravity and studied the energy conditions. Zubair and Kousar
[5] discussed cosmological reconstruction and energy bounds in a new general $f(R, R_{\alpha\beta}R^{\alpha\beta}, \phi)$ gravity. The same authors also studied the first and second laws of black hole thermodynamics.
[6] Capozziello and Laurentis
[7] introduced the scalar field in the action and discussed the $f(R,\phi)$ gravity. They discussed a new technique to address and solve the inconsistencies of GR. In a recent paper,
[8] density perturbations in the cosmic microwave background within general $f(R,\phi)$ models of gravity are investigated and it is concluded that density perturbation obtained from observations may be recovered naturally, with high precision. Therefore, modified theories of gravity look attention grabbing in explaining the nature of universe.