where $\rho =Tr_{\rm cavity}( | \Psi \rangle \langle \Psi | ) $ is the reduced density matrix by tracing out the cavity degrees of freedom. We plot the ground-state entanglement entropy with black solid lines for $\Delta =0.5$, $U=1.9$ in
Fig. 2(a). Surprisingly, one can observe that the entropy jumps at a critical coupling for these model parameters. For the one-mode cavity case,
[37] the entanglement entropy in the ground-state usually increases smoothly with the coupling strength. To account for this unexpected findings, we calculate the energy spectra in low energy regime, as demonstrated in
Fig. 2(b). We find that the parity of the ground state energy changes from even to odd at the level crossing. It is just this level crossings of the two lowest energy level that cause the abrupt jump of the entanglement entropy in the ground state. Both the discontinuous parity and entanglement entropy imply the existence of the first-order phase transition in the Rabi-Stark model, which has never been found in the isotropic linear QRM.