Airy beams in free space or in linear dielectric media have become an active research topic and many literature associated with this subject were published in the past decade,
[1-9] the intriguing features of which were revealed as self-acceleration, self-healing, and nondiffraction over many Rayleigh lengths. Among a quiverful of the previous literatures on Airy beam, various three-dimensional (3D) spatiotemporal wave packets or light bullet were constructed by Airy pulse in combination with other nondiffracting field configurations. They may arise in dielectric media for a robust balance between diffraction/dispersion and medium's nonlinearity. The generation of light bullet is a nontrivial task from the analytical and numerical points of view, and even more complicated in real experimental settings. For example, Abdollahpour
et al. have introduced the spatiotemporal Airy light bullets composed by Airy pulse in time with two spatial Airy beams.
[10] To date, research on linear light bullets as solution of the 3D potential —— free Schrödinger equation, including spatiotemporal Airy-Bessel light bullets,
[11] Airy-Laguerre-Gaussian (AiLG)
[12] wave packets, Airy-Hermite-Gaussian (AiHG) beams
[13] localized wave peckets, Airy-Kummer-Gaussian (AiKG)
[14] and Airy-Ince-Gaussian (AiIG)
[15] light bullets, have been reported. Owing to without external potential, the reported spatiotemporal wave packets would retain their energy features over several Rayleigh lengths and other properties in free space. In addition, study of Airy light bullet is still an active topic, and recently the evolution dynamics of nonlinear Airy light bullets, and vortex-like and the Guassian-like Airy wave packets in self-defocusing kerr medium have been reported in Refs.