1 Introduction
2 The Excitatory-Inhibitory Network Model
3 Simulations and Results
Fig. 1 (Color online) Response $F_{\eta\rightarrow0}$ versus $\sigma$ on EI networks for different $m$ with $N=10^5$, $K=10$, $n=5$, $f_e={4}/{5}$. The inset shows the instantaneous density of active sites for subcritical (square), critical (circle), and supercritical (triangle) states as function of time. Three different runs for each case are presented. |
Fig. 2 (Color online) Response curves (mean firing rate versus stimulus rate) from $\sigma=0.85$ to 1.65 (in intervals of 0.1) with $m=5$. Inset: response of the critical network with different $m$. $f_e=4/5$, $N=10^5$, $K=10$, $n=5$. |
Fig. 3 (Color online) Dynamic range versus branching ratio for different values of inhibitory coupling strength $m$. The points represent simulation results with $m=1$ (square), $m=5$ (circle), and $m=10$ (triangle) on EI networks. The lines correspond to theoretical results from Eqs. (20) and (21) with $m=1$ (black), $m=5$ (red), $m=10$ (blue). The inset presents the error of dynamic range for different inhibitory coupling strength. |
Fig. 4 (Color online) The effect of decreasing the excitation (square) and inhibition (circle) on dynamic range. The triangle points represent the network's dynamic range in critical state. (a) Removing a fraction ($r$) of excitatory or inhibitory nodes. (b) Deleting a fraction ($d$) of excitatory or inhibitory links. (c) Weakening a fraction ($w$) of excitatory or inhibitory coupling strength in critical network. |
4 Analytical Results
4.1 Increasing the Inhibitory Coupling Strength
Fig. 5 (Color online) The critical point and dynamic range of regular random network. (a) Response $F_{\eta\rightarrow0}$ versus $\sigma$ for different $m$. (b) Dynamic range versus branching ratio for different $m$. The point represents simulation results with $m=1$ (square), $m=5$ (circle), and $m=10$ (triangle). The lines correspond to the theoretical results with $m=1$ (black), $m=5$ (red), $m=10$ (blue). The $N=10000$, $n=2$, $f_e=4/5$, $K=30$. |
4.2 Reducing Excitation and Inhibition
Fig. 6 (Color online) Response curves (mean firing rate versus stimulus rate) for different fraction of decreasing the excitation (square) and inhibition (circle). The triangle points represent the network's mean firing rates in critical state. (a) In the case of removing a fraction ($r$) of excitatory nodes or inhibitory nodes, the $r=0.1,0.2$ are plotted separately. (b) In the case of deleting a fraction ($d$) of excitatory or inhibitory links, the $d=0.1,0.2$ are plotted separately. (c) In the case of weakening a fraction ($w$) of excitatory or inhibitory coupling strength, the $w=0.1,0.2$ are plotted separately. |