1 Introduction
2 General Theory
2.1 Generalized Brillouin-Wigner Perturbation Theory
2.2 Renormalized Hamiltonian
2.3 Renormalized Hamiltonian Flow
2.4 An Efficient Method of Constructing Renor-malized Hamiltonian Flow
3 Some Applications
3.1 Eigenenergies as Unstable Fixed Points
Fig. 1 Variation of $|E^{(n)}-E|$ with $n$, for the parameters $N=1000, b=100$, and $\lambda =10$, where $E^{(n)}$ is the eigenenergy of $H^{(n)}_E$ which is the closest to $E$. The value of $E$ has a little deviation from an arbitrarily chosen exact eigenenergy $E_{\alpha^{(0)}}$ of the original Hamiltonian $H^{(0)}$. For the solid curve, $\delta E =|E-E_{\alpha^{(0)}}|=0.01$. At each step of the flow, an arbitrarily chosen set of 30 basis states with successive labelling are decimated. The value of $|E^{(n)}-E|$ increases with $n$, implying that $E_{\alpha ^{(0)}}$ is an unstable fixed point. The circles represent $|E^{(n)}-E|/10$ for $\delta E =0.001$. The agreement of the solid curve and the circles show that for these small values of $\delta E$, $|E^{(n)}-E|$ is in the linear region of $\delta E$. |
Fig. 2 Variation of $|E^{(n)}-E|$ (circles connected by dashed lines) with $E$ for $n=5$, the parameters $N=300$, $b=100$, $\lambda =10$, and $E=247+0.06m$ with $m=1,2,\ldots , 100$. At each step of the renormalized Hamiltonian flow, 30 basis states are decimated. Within the energy region shown in this figure, the original Hamiltonian has three eigenenergies with positions indicated by the three vertical dotted lines. Approximate values of the eigenenergies can be get from extrapolation of the circles close to the local minima of $|E^{(n)}-E|$. |
3.2 Localization of Eigenfunctions
Fig. 3 Values of the components $|\langle k^{(n)}|\alpha^{(n)}\rangle |$ for $n=0$ and 5 in a renormalized Hamiltonian flow of $H^{(n)}_E$. The original Hamiltonian is a realization of the Hamiltonian matrix in the WBRM model with parameters $N=100$, $b=4$, and $\lambda =10$. In the construction of the renormalized Hamiltonians, $E=E_{\alpha^{(0)}}$ and 10 basis states are decimated at each step of the flow. $|\alpha^{(0)}\rangle $ and $|\alpha^{(5)}\rangle $ are eigenstates of $H^{(0)}$ and $H^{(5)}_E$, respectively, with the same eigenenergy $E_{\alpha^{(0)}}$. The two eigenfunctions agree well, as predicted in Eq. (23). |