1 Introduction
2 Fermion-Induced Interactions in Bose-Fermi Mixtures
3 Fermions Without Lattices
Fig. 1 (Color online) Fermion-induced interactions $V_{\rm ind}({{r}})$ in real space. The red line is the zero temperature result, and the blue line is the low temperature result. In general, the free fermions induce an RKKY-type interaction in the real space. |
4 Fermions with Lattices
4.1 Lattice Depth Effect on the Induced Interactions
Fig. 2 (Color online) Induced interaction in momentum space $V_{\rm ind}({q})$. The momentum space is restricted to the cubic region $q_{i=x,y,z}\in[0,\pi/\lambda]$. In (a), (b), (c), (d), we show $V_{\rm ind}({q})$ for different fermion optical lattice strength. $V_P=-E_r$ in (a), $V_P=-2E_r$ in (b), $V_P=-3E_r$ in (c) and $V_P=-5E_r$ in (d). The chemical potential $\mu$ is mixed as $0.1t$. The corner in the center of each figure is ${Q}_\pi=(\pi,\pi,\pi)/\lambda$ point. |
Fig. 3 (Color online) In (a), we show the Bogoliubov spectrum for $V_P=-2E_r$ case. $g_{B}n_{B}/E_r=4.05$ and $g_{BF}^2/E_r^2=0.0045$. Red color is small energy value and violet color is for large energy value. In (b), we show the dispersion of bosons in a path from $\Gamma$ point to $M$ point, to $K$ point then return to $\Gamma$ point. A reference dispersion is presented in dashed line when we turn off the boson-fermion interactions. |
4.2 Fermion Density Effect on the Induced Interactions
Fig. 4 (Color online) The static structure factor in momentum space $\chi_0({q})$. In these figures we only show the largest region of the static structure factor. In (a), the chemical potential is $\mu=t$; In (b), the chemical potential is $\mu=0.5t$; and in (c), the chemical potential is $\mu=0.1t$. The brighter color is for larger $\chi({q})$, and the darker color is for smaller $\chi({q})$. Three axes are $q_x$, $q_y$, and $q_z$ direction, from $-\pi$ to $\pi$. Beyond this range, the static structure factor is almost zero, suppressed by the band gap. |
Fig. 5 (Color online) In (a) and (b) we give the Bogoliubov spectrum for Bose gases mixed with Fermi gases in deep lattice. The chemical potential of the Fermi gases is $\mu=0.1t$ and $\mu=0.5t$ ($t<0$) in (a) and (b) respectively. In (c), the blue dot-dashed line is for the Bogoliubov spectrum of the interacting Bose gases alone, while the black dashed line and the red solid line are Bogoliubov spectrum of Bose gases mixed with lattice fermions along $\Gamma MK\Gamma$ route in the first Brilluin zone. |