We first introduce geodesics and "fifth force" in extra-dimensional theories. For black holes in RS models,
[125-126] Andrew Chamblin,
et al. have investigated time-like geodesics and null geodesics in Ref. [
168] based on the Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter solution, which offers valuable guidance on calculating geodesics in extra-dimensional models with large extra dimensions (see also Refs. [
170]). In the early days, the null geodesics in extra-dimensional theories were studied in order to solve the horizon problem in a different way than inflation.
[103-105] In these studies, the role of extra dimensions was ignored when considering the motion of the matter on the brane. It was later discovered that, in general brane background, the geodesics of the massive particles on the brane are also affected due to the presence of extra dimensions.
[171] Such effect manifests as an extra non-gravitational force acting on the massive particles on the brane (see Refs. [
174] and references therein). In some literature, this new dynamical force due to extra dimensions is also directly called the "fifth force" (see Refs. [
179]). In Ref. [
174], the author found that the fifth force does not change the velocity of the particles on the three-brane but their masses, while for the particles in the bulk, their motions would result in a time-dependent Heisenberg uncertainty principle.