The investigation of rational solutions on nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs) has attracted much attention from mathematicians, physicists, and many scientists in other fields. Among these rational solutions,
[1] lump solutions and rogue wave solutions have been found in many integrable systems.
[2-7] Recently, the study of lump solutions, which rationally localized in all directions in the space, becomes a hot topic in soliton theory.
[8-22] Over the past decades, many powerful methods have been developed to find the lump solutions of NLEEs, such as the Hirota bilinear method,
[23] the long wave limit approach,
[3] and the nonlinear superposition formulae.
[24] Among these methods, the Hirota bilinear method is a direct method, which can be used to obtain the exact solutions for NLEEs once its corresponding bilinear form is given. By taking the function $f$ in the bilinear equation as a positive quadratic function, Ref. [
8] obtained the lump solutions of the KPI equation, which can be reduced to the ones in Refs. [
25]. Then, this method is widely used to find lump solutions or lump-type solutions for generalized fifth-order KdV equation, Boussinesq equation, (4+1)-dimensional Fokas equation and so on.
[11-21] References [
44] further extended this method to find interaction solutions for integrable and non-integrable system.