Since the discovery of EIT, the control of optical properties of the medium becomes possible such as controlling group velocity,
[1,7] enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity,
[8] controlling optical bistability,
[9] controlling pulse propagation,
[10] and so on. Also, the effect of SGC on the optical properties in atomic systems was investigated for absorption and dispersion,
[11] group velocity,
[12] Kerr nonlinearity,
[13] optical bistability,
[14] and pulse propagation.
[15] It was shown that the atomic responses under SGC are sensitive to relative phase of the applied fields.
[15-17] Recently, several researchers have studied the possibility of switching light propagation from subluminal to superluminal modes in the EIT media by changing the interference strength of SGC effect or/and relative phase of applied fields.
[18-22] So far, the influence of SGC on the group velocity in three-level atomic systems investigated numerically,
[18-22] however, there is a lack of comparison of light manipulation between configurations. In this work, we develop an analytic model for a comparative study of influences of SGC and relative phase on group velocity in three-level systems including the $\Lambda$-, Ladder-, and V-type configurations. Such a comparison would be useful to choose an appropriate excitation configuration and parameters for experimental observations and related applications. Moreover, the analytical results have some advantages, such as it is easy to investigate the effect of controllable parameters on optical properties,
[23-24] to verify experimental observations
[25] and to study related applications, e.g., enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity,
[26] controlling optical bistability,
[27] controlling group velocity.