Quantum phase transition (QPT) is a purely quantumprocess occurring in strongly correlated many-body systems at absolute zero temperature due to quantum fluctuations.
[1]The spin chains attract a lot of attention since they give rise to many exotic properties in the ground state, such as bond alternating spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain.
[2-9] A number of compounds are discovered whose properties can be explained by invoking bond alternating chains.LiInCr$_4$O$_8$ was found to be spin-3/2 breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet, which is an alternating array of small and large tetrahedra.
[10] Recently, it is reported that the results from the dimeranisotropic XYZ model are relevant to a large number of quasi-one dimensional magnets.
[11] In history, Bulaevskii predicted that a spin gap exists in the nonuniform antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin chains.
[12]Kohmoto found the existence of the Haldane phase synonymous with hidden $D_2$ symmetry breaking in the AFM-ferromagnetic (FM) bond alternating spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain.
[13] Furthermore, it was pointed out that isotropic $S=1/2$ Heisenberg chain with alternating AFM and FM couplings can be mapped onto the isotropic $S=1$ AFM Heisenberg chain when the FM couplings tend to infinity.
[14] The compounds like CuGeO$_3$
[15] exhibiting spin-Peierls transitions belong to AFM-AFM bondalternating class, and DMACuCl$_3$
[16] was claimed to fall into the $S=1/2$ AFM-FM bond alternating class.Additionally, the quantum simulation using ultracold atoms systems
[17-19] and trappedpolariton condensates
[20] has made great progressin creating interesting quantum models motivated by solid-state physics. Geometrically frustrated magnets such as zigzag chainscan be designed and tuned by the depth of the optical lattice, and thusnonuniform configurations in the ground state can be anticipated.