In general, CMB temperature anisotropy derived from the inflation models are sensitive to the vacuum state of the perturbation modes. Since the energy scale of inflation at the earlier stage of the inflation is not far from the Planck energy,
[41]-[42] one naturally expects that the effects of the quantum gravity can leave some effects on the perturbation modes, which could produce excited initial conditions for the inflationary perturbations. For instance, in loop quantum cosmology, an excited state on the primordial perturbation modes can be generated during the quantum bounce phase prior to the inflation.
[43]-[47] A similar dynamics for quantum bounce can also be achieved in the framework of the effective field theory description of nonsingular bounce.
[48] It is worth noting that the nonsingular bounces from the phenomenological considerations of the effective field theory analysis provides an alternative way to address the initial state issues of the primordial perturbations, see Refs. [
51] for examples. In Ho$\check{r}$ava-Lifshitz theory of quantum gravity, such excited states can be produced by the contribution of high-order spatial derivative terms in the action of the theory, which also supply a nonlinear dispersion relation for the inflationary perturbations.
[52]-[54] We note that such nonlinear dispersion relation can also arise from high-order extension of the effective field theory of inflation
[55]-[59] and phenomenological consideration of achieving a nearly scale-invariant power spectrum,
[60] for examples.