Ever since the progress in semiconductor nanotechnology, such as Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Chemical lithography and etching were developed, it has been made possible to fabricate a wide variety of low-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures like Quantum Well Wires (QWW), Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes with well controlled shape and composition to achieve the high carrier mobility.
[1] Use of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (DMS) in such QWW has opened the doors for the researchers to break through the entirely new set of challenges, which had been intimidating in the field of spintronics, since the physical nature of impurity energy levels associated with QWW made of DMS materials can be greatly controlled by the application of external magnetic field, which manifest themselves into fascinating phenomena like Bound Magnetic Polaron,
[2] Giant Zeeman Splitting
[3] at the band edges, Magneto optical
[4]-[5] and Magneto transport.
[6]-[7] The shape of the confining potential and the impurity position along these structures mainly determine the spatial confinement of the wavefucntion in these QWW and thereby number of studies concerning QWW with rectangular,
[8] Parabolic,
[9] V-groove
[10] and triangular
[11] cross sections have been carried out. Moreover, these 1D systems provide the fantabulous space for the study of Coulomb interaction effects in many body problems because the reduced degree of freedom for the carriers make qualitative changes in the role of interactions which leads to spin-charge separation,
[12] charge fractionalization
[13] and Wigner crystallization.
[14] Many researchers have put their considerable effort to investigate the electron-electron and hole-hole interaction under various confining potentials both in nonmagnetic
[15]-[21] and in Semimangetic
[22] Semiconducting systems. However, in spite of theoretical activities on the hydrogenic acceptor impurity in DMS Nanostructures,
[23]-[26] the studies of impurity states concerning two holes are very few.
[27]-[30] Therefore it necessitates to investigate the Coulomb interaction between the two holes confined in a Semimagnetic QWW (SQWW) made of CdTe/Cd$_{1-x}$Mn$_{x}$Te with both square and parabolic band offset under the application of external magnetic field by including the effect of impurity position also for the Mn$^{2+}$ ion composition of $x = 0.3$.