The noncommutative geometry
[1] remains among the strongest mathematical tools that can be used to solve different problems in modern physics.For instance, interesting results were reported for the quantum Hall effect
[2] due either to the charge current
[3] or spin current.
[4,5,6,7]To remember, the noncommutative geometry already exits and is found its application in the fractional quantum Hall effect when the lowest Landau Level (LLL) is partially filled. It happened that in LLL, the potential energy is strong enough than kinetic energy and therefore the particles are glue in the fundamental level. As a consequence of this drastic reduction of the degrees of freedom, the two space coordinates become noncommuting
[8] and satisfy the commutation relations analogue to those verifying by the position and the momentum in quantum mechanics. Also various aspects of the quantum mechanics have been investigated in different ways in order to explore the role of the noncommutative parameter in the physical observables.