It is very important to construct explicit solutions of the NPDEs. Recently, many efficient methods have been developed to find the solutions of the NPDEs, such as the trigonometric function series method,
[33] the improved $\tan({\phi(\xi)}/{2})$-expansion method,
[34] the sine-cosine algorithm,
[35] the Wronskian technique,
[36] the formally variable separation approach,
[37] the Septic B-spline method,
[38] the transformed rational function method,
[39] the symmetry algebra method (consisting of Lie point symmetries),
[40] the mesh-free method,
[41] the homotopy perturbation method,
[42] the modified mapping method and the extended mapping method,
[43] the bifurcation method and qualitative theory of dynamical systems,
[44] the multiple exp-function method,
[45] the modified trigonometric function series method,
[46] the modified (G'/G)-expansion method,
[47] infinite series method and Jacobi elliptic function method,
[48-49] RBF approximation method,
[50] $({G^{'}}/{G}-{1}/{G})$-expansion method,
[51] Hirota bilinear method,
[52,53,54] lattice Boltzmann method,
[55-56] and so on. In this paper, we will derive $(2+1)$-dimensional Boussinesq equation from the quasi-geostropic potential vorticity equation with the generalized beta effect. By using the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems and the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations, we obtain the dynamical analysis and exact traveling wave solutions of the new Boussinesq equation.