At present, the top quark is the heaviest elementary particle discovered, the mass of which is close to the electro-weak scale and could provide better clues to study the mechanism of electro-weak symmetry breaking and new physics beyond SM. The flavor changing neutral Higgs (FCNH) interactions of top quark are small and the branch ratios of FCNH decays are predicted as Br$(t\to Hc)\sim 10^{-14}$ and Br$(t\to Hu)\sim 10^{-17}$ in SM,
[3-4] which are far below the sensitivity of LHC. Several extensions to the SM can enhance such interaction at tree level or loop level, e.g. two Higgs doublet model,
[5-7] supersymmetry model,
[8-10] and other new physics models.
[11] One can expect that some new physics contributions would play significant roles in such FCNH interactions and such contribution could be discovered or constrained at LHC. The aim of this work is to study the sensitivity of LHC to the FCNH couplings of top quark.