NLPDEs also describe the mathematical model of wave dissemination in solids of micro-structured, which should take into account numerous scales of microstructures. If scale dependence engrosses dispersion effect and material is nonlinear, dispersion and nonlinear effects may be balanced, leading to solitary waves. In addition to mathematical and physical model equations, the existence and occurrence of solitary waves in complex physical problems must be analyzed accurately enough. Microstructure materials such as alloys, grains, ceramics and functionally gradient materials have been widely used. The modeling of waves dissemination in this material should take into account different micro-structural scales.
[1-3, 23] In addition to mathematical and physical model equations, the occurrence of waves in complex physical models should be sufficiently correct. Recently, this turns into much gorgeous for obtaining the analytical solutions of NLPDEs via computer algebra, which is helpful for complex and tedious algebraic computation. In mathematical physics, the approximate and exact solutions of NLPDEs, especially the estimation of traveling wave solutions, play a significant part in the theory of solitons.
[24] In micro-structured solids, there are numerous studies anywhere the governing models of waves have been developed and exact solutions in waves form are scrutinized.
[25-26] The modeling in mathematical form of engineering and physics problems are inherent via NLPDEs, so it is very significant for studying the analytical solutions of NLPDEs. Analytical solutions of such equations provide knowledge concerning the structures of these models.