The DPMJET-III is a Monte Carlo generator, based on the Dual Parton Model (DPM), has a wide range of applications.
[22] Most of the Monte Carlo (MC) generators use the basic ideas of the DPM for the soft interactions. The large $N_c$ and $N_f$ expansions of the QCD are combined by the PDM to the Gribov-Reggeon theory. The DPMJET-III is the latest version of DPMJET-II.
[23-24] All features of the DPMJET-II, DTUNUC-2,
[25-26] and the PHOJET
[27-28] are included in the new version. It is possible to simulate the interactions of hadron-hadron, nucleus-nucleus, photon-photon, hadron-nucleus, photon-nucleus and photon-hadron from the low energies to the high cosmic ray energies. Detail discretion of DPMJET can be found in Ref.
[29]. The paper is continuation of the work published in Refs.
[30-47] using different hadron production models.