1 Introduction
2 Equations of the Orbital Motion
Fig.1 (a) The behaviors of the effective potential of particle in non-linear magnetic charged black hole surrounded by quintessence (Non-Q) and de-Sitter geometry for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$, $C=0.0002$. (b) The behaviors of the effective potential of particle in non-linear magnetic charged black hole surrounded by quintessence (Non-Q) and Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence (Sch-Q) for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$, $C=0.0002$. |
Fig.2 (a) The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different $w_{q}$ for fixed other different parameters. Line 1 represents $w_{q}=-0.4$, $C=0.001$, $b = 4.3$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.5$; Line 2 represents $w_{q}=-0.6$, $C=0.0008$, $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$; Line 3 represents $w_{q}=-0.8$, $C=0.0008$, $b = 4.1$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.5$; Line 4 represents $w_{q}=-0.8$, $C=0.0006$, $b = 4.0$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.3$. (b) The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different $w_{q}$ for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $C=0.0002$, $Q=0.7$. |
3 Time-Like Orbital Motion
3.1 Magnetic Charge $Q$
Fig.3 The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different $Q$ for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $C=0.0002$. |
3.2 Positive Normalization Factor $C$
Fig.4 The radius of the unstable circular orbit $r_{\rm uns}$ (a) and the radius of the stable circular orbit $r_{\rm sta}$ (b) of particle with different $Q$ for fixed $C = 0.0002$, $M = 1$, $b=4.2$. |
Fig.5 The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different $C$ for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |
Fig.6 The radius of the unstable circular orbit $r_{\rm uns}$ (a) and the radius of the stable circular orbit $r_{\rm sta}$ (b) of particle with different $C$ for fixed $Q = 0.7$, $M = 1$, $b=4.2$. |
3.3 Angular momentum b
Fig. 7 The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different $b$ for fixed $C=0$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |
Fig. 8 The radius of the unstable circular orbit $r_{\rm uns}$ (a) and the radius of the stable circular orbit $r_{\rm sta}$ (b) of particle with different $b$ for fixed $Q = 0.7$, $M = 1$, $C=0$. |
Fig. 9 The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different $b$ for fixed $C=0.0002$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |
Fig. 10 The radius of the unstable circular orbit $r_{\rm uns}$ (a) and the radius of the stable circular orbit $r_{\rm sta}$ (b) of particle with different $b$ for fixed $Q = 0.7$, $M = 1$, $C=0.0002$. |
3.4 Energy Levels $E$
Fig. 11 (a) The behaviors of the effective potential of particle with different energy levels for fixed different parameters. Line 1 represents $C=0.0005$, $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.3$; Line 2 represents $C=0.0002$, $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$; Line 3 represents $C=0.0008$, $b = 3.8$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.5$; Line 4 represents $C=0.0015$, $b = 3.8$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.5$. (b) The behaviors of the effective potential of the test particle with different energy levels when we fix $M=1$, $Q=0.7$, $b=4.2$, $C=0.0002$. |
4 Null Orbital Motion
4.1 Magnetic Charge $Q$
Fig. 12 The behaviors of the effective potential of photon with different $Q$ values for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $C=0.0002$. |
Fig. 13 The radius of the unstable circular orbits of photon $r_{\rm uns}$ with different $Q$ values for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $C=0.0002$. |
4.2 Positive Normalization Factor $C$
Fig. 14 The behaviors of the effective potential of photon with different $C$ for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |
Fig. 15 The radius of the unstable circular orbits of photon $r_{\rm uns}$ with different $C$ values for fixed $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |
4.3 Angular Momentum b
Fig. 16 The behaviors of the effective potential of photon with different $b$ values for fixed $C = 0.0002$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |
4.4 Energy Levels $E$
Fig. 17 (a) The behaviors of the effective potential of photon with different energy levels for fixed different parameters. Line 1 represents $C=0.0005$, $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.3$; Line 2 represents $C=0.0002$, $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$; Line 3 represents $C=0.0008$, $b = 3.8$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.5$; Line 4 represents $C=0.0015$, $b = 4.0$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.5$. (b) The behaviors of the effective potential of photon with different energy levels for fixed $C=0.0002$, $b = 4.2$, $M = 1$, $Q=0.7$. |