Many investigates have been conducted on the concept of superstatistics both in the equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics regime.
[34-39] Most recently, Sobhani $et al.$
[40] studied the effects of cosmic-string framework on the thermodynamic properties of anharmonic oscillator, within the confinement of the ordinary statistics and the $q$-deformed superstatistics approaches. In another development, $q$-deformed superstatistics of the Schrödinger equation in the commutative and non-commutative spaces with magnetic field was studied by Sargolzaeipor et al.
[41] In the relativistic regime of quantum mechanics, the superstatistics of the Klein-Gordon equation in deformed formalism for modified Dirac delta distribution was studied.
[42] A deeper understanding of superstatistic of systems involving long range interactions is required, hence further investigations into thermodynamics of such systems are still necessary. The aim of this work is to extend the studies carried out by Dong and Cruz-Irison
[43] on thermodynamic properties of a modified Rosen-Morse potential to the superstatistics regime. These results may be useful to studies of thermal fluctuations in atomic and molecular systems involving long range interactions.