In order to accomplish with our discussion concerning to finite-size effects of inhomogeneity property on the thermodynamic properties,we study the behavior of the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility when the system is in the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic fields at low temperature. We have plotted in
Fig. 3 the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of the model with the same conditions as
Fig. 2, but under inhomogeneous magnetic fields (here, inhomogeneous parameters are taken as non-zero fixed values $b_z=0.6J_z$, $b_x=0.3J_z$, and $\lambda=J_z$). Figures 3(a) and 3(c) display the magnetization and susceptibility with the finite length $N=6$ under inhomogeneous longitudinal, transverse, and transverse staggered magnetic fields.Figures 3(b) and 3(d) are related to the chain of length $N=10$. In this situation for both cases $N=6$ and $N=10$, all plateaus have been shifted toward higher values of the magnetization. Hence, we can see that inhomogeneity dramatically affects on the height and position of the low-temperature peaks in susceptibility. When the transverse magnetic field increases, firstly height of the peaks increases, then with further increase of the field $B_x/J_z$ gradually decreases. Moreover, under inhomogeneous magnetic fields, the susceptibility does not vanish even at zero longitudinal field $B_z=0$. Consequently, by imposing weak inhomogeneity property into the all magnetic fields, width of the magnetization plateaus decreases, and there is no zero magnetization plateau as well as zero-field susceptibility for the model under consideration with arbitrary length at low temperature.