Dyon is a hypothetical particle having electric and magnetic charges proposed by Schwinger in 1969 as a phenomenological alternative to quark model.
[1] In his article, Schwinger speculates that hadrons are composed of these dual charged particles, having fractional electric and magnetic charges and following the idea of electroweak interaction with its vectorial bosons exchanging electric charge, he postulated the existence of a vectorial boson $S$ (strong) of unit magnetic charge intermediating charge-exchange process for the dyon. The study of dyons and isolated magnetic monopoles has received attention over the latest years, in part by the possible explanation of the electric charge quantization by Dirac.
[2] In the experimental aspect there is also plenty of research and the physics of magnetic monopoles was reproduced in spin ice system,
[3-5] as well as, more recently, in quantum fields,
[6] synthetic magnetic fields,
[7] creation of a Dirac monopole-antimonopole pair in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate
[8] and by the use of metamaterials.