Atom-waveguide system with chiral coupling is a good platform to investigate the non-reciprocal quantum phenomena.
[13] The chiral coupling between atom (artificial atom) and waveguide has been realized in many configurations, such as atom-nanofiber system,
[5, 14] quantum dot-nanobeam waveguide system,
[15] and quantum dot-photonic crystal waveguide system.
[16-17] Here, the chiral coupling means that the coupling strengths between the atom and photon in the waveguide are propagation-direction dependent. Many quantum devices, such as single photon router,
[18-23] frequency converter,
[24] $\sqrt{\rm SWAP}$ gate,
[25] SWAP gate,
[26-27] quantum interface between atom and photon, have been proposed.
[15] The single photon diode has also been discussed in such a system. The main idea is that when the single photon incidents from one direction of the waveguide, it is scatted into free space such that there is no transmission in the other end. However, when the photon incidents from the other direction of the waveguide, it can pass through freely due to no interaction between the atom and waveguide. Thus, asymmetric transmission is realized. For the two-level system chiral coupling to the waveguide, the diode can be realized only for the resonant photon.
[5] However, one can use an external coherent field to drive $\Lambda$-type system to realize single photon diode with specific frequency points.