In this work, for providing theoretical reference for experiment synthesizing the even-even nuclei $^{296-308}120$, we predict $\alpha$ decay half-lives of these nuclei. Because the $\alpha$ decay half-life is sensitive to $\alpha$ decay energy $Q_{\alpha}$, how to calculate $Q_{\alpha}$ of unknown nuclei becomes a key question. Recently, Sobiczewski
[39] analyzed $\alpha$ decay energy $Q_{\alpha}$ using nine different mass models as follow M$\ddot{\rm o}$ller
et al. (FRDM)
[40] Duflo and Zuker (DZ),
[41] Nayak and Satpathy (INM),
[42] Wang and Liu (WS3+),
[43] Wang
et al. (WS4+),
[45-46] and Muntian
et al. (HN),
[47-48] Kuzmina
et al. (TCSM),
[49] Goriely
et al. (HFB31),
[50] and Liran
et al. (SE).
[51] It was found that the deviation between the $Q_{\alpha}$ calculated by WS3+ and the experimental data is the minimal. Therefore in this work we use the WS3+ mass model to calculate the $\alpha$ decay energy $Q_{\alpha}$ of even-even nuclei $^{296-308}120$. To reduce the deviations between the predictions and experimental data due to the nuclear shell structure, the analytic formula of $\alpha$ decay hindrance factor is introduced to the two-potential approach, whose parameters are given in our previous work extracted from even-even nuclei in region of $82<Z\le126$ and $152<N\le184$ (from $^{250}$Cm to $^{294}$Og).
[36] Meanwhile, Wang
et al.
[52] compared 18 different semi-empirical formulas and found that the SEMFLS2, whose parameters are obtained from the experimental data of heavy and superheavy nuclei, gives the lowest rms deviation in the description of the $\alpha$ decay experimental half-lives of the known nuclei. In addition, Qi
et al.
[53] proposed a type of $\alpha$ decay general formula Universal Decay Law (UDL), which can be used to obtain the precise $\alpha$ decay half-lives. To verify the accuracy of the predictions of the TPA, we use these two sets of formulas (UDL and SEMFLS2) to calculate the half-lives of even-even nuclei $^{296-308}120$ and compare with each other.