Figure 1 presents the top and perspective views of three configurations of fully hydrogenation h-BN. For chair structure, it has the hexagonal lattice with space group $P3m1$(156) and optimized lattice parameters being $a=b=2.5910$ Å. Four inequivalent atomic positions are (2/3, 1/3, 0.53392), (1/3, 2/3, 0.44207), (1/3, 2/3, 0.48201) and (2/3, 1/3, 0.49916) for H1, H2, B, and N, respectively. The boat and stirrup structures possess to the same orthorhombic lattice with space group of $Pmn2_1$(31), which have the optimized lattice constants of $a =2.5769$ Å, $c=4.3424$ Å for boat and the lattice constants of $a =2.5932$ Å, $c=3.8328$ Å for stirrup. Both structures also contain four inequivalent atomic positions that are H1 (0.500 00, 0.457 69, 0.243 28), H2 (0.500 00, 0.447 62,0.765 57), B (0.5000, 0.486 77, 0.690 71), N (0.500 00,0.490 12, 0.324 51) in boat conformer and H1 (0.500 00, 0.556 84, 0.142 85), H2 (1.000 00, 0.547 42, 0.679 96), B (0.500 00, 0.521 24, 0.297 92), N (1.000 00, 0.518 50, 0.532 19) in stirrup conformer, respectively. Three structure conformers of fh-BN have two different types of H bonds: the connecting boron bonded to hydrogen atoms (B-H) and the connecting nitrogen atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms (N-H). The bond lengths of N-H are 1.043 Å, 1.035 Å, and 1.036 Å and that of B-H are 1.200 Å, 1.220 Å, and 1.224 Å for chair, boat, and stirrup, respectively, which are close to the previous work of hydrogenated h-BN sheet (B-H bond 1.20 Å and N-H bond length 1.03 Å).
[19] The B-N (1.568 Å) bond length in the stirrup conformer is the shortest corresponding the B-N bond lengths in chair (1.582 Å) and boat (1.575 Å), respectively. The hydrogenated h-BN leads to strentching of the B-N bond compared with the bond of h-BN (1.44 Å).