1 Introduction
2 Neural-Network Quantum State and Transverse-Field Ising Model
Fig. 1 (Color online) Schematic diagram of Restricted Boltzmann Machine. This is a two layer structure. The left is visible layer, the right is the auxiliary hidden layer. The dashed line between nodes in both left and right layers does not imply interactions, they are plotted here only for visual impression for "layer". The lines between the visible nodes and hidden nodes represent interactions. |
3 Stochastic Reconfiguration Method for the Ground State
4 Key Observables of the TFIM Ground State
Fig. 2 (Color online) The ground state energy $E/N$ of TFIM in one-dimensional 32-site spin-chain (a) and two-dimensional (b) $10\times10$-site lattice as functions of the external field-strength. The red, green and blue points in the left figure are for network parameters $\alpha=1,2,4$. They are displaced from each other artificially otherwise coincide almost exactly. The dashed line is the analytic result of Ref. [22]. While the two-dimensional result is compared with the real space renormalization group analysis of Ref. [31]. |
Fig. 3 (Color online) The per-site magnet moment expectations $\langle M_{x}\rangle$ and susceptibilities $\chi_{x}$ in the one-dimensional (a) (c) and two-dimensional (b) (d) TFIM as functions of the external field-strength. The 1D model's calculation is done for three different $\alpha$'s while the 2D calculation has fixed $\alpha=1$. The dash line in the upper-left figure is the analytic results $\langle M_{x}\rangle$ from Ref. [22]. The sub figure in it shows details of conformity with the analytic result of the three $\alpha$'s numeric. |
Fig. 4 (Color online) The ground state spin-$z$ correlation function $\langle\sigma_{i}^{z}\sigma_{i+x}^{z}\rangle$ (a) (b) and the corresponding correlation length (c) (d) of TFIM. The left is for 1D chain with 32 sites while the right is for 2D lattice of $10\times10$ sites. |
5 EE of the Ground State
Fig. 5 (Color online) The equal-size bipartie EE of TFIM as functions of the external field strength. The left 1D spin-chain has 32 sites and the right 2D lattice has $10\times10$ ones. In the 1D chain, three different network parameters $ \alpha=1,2,4 $ in red, green and blue are tried but the results exhibit little differences. The dashed gray line in it is the analytic result of Ref. [29]. |
Fig. 6 (Color online) The EE of TFIM as functions of the size of the A-Part in some typical transverse-field strengths. The upper is for 1D chain with 32 sites, the downer is for 2D lattice with $10\times10$ sites. In the 2D lattice, bi-partition is along the $45^\circ$ line of the lattice square. |