where $q_1$ and $q_2$ represent the two components of the electromagnetic fields, the subscripts $z$ and $t$ denote the partial derivatives with respect to the scaled distance along the direction of the propagation and retarded time, respectively, $"*"$ represents the complex conjugate, $ i=\sqrt{-1}$, $k(z)$ and $m(z)$ depict the group velocity dispersions, $\varphi(z)$ and $\pi(z)$ denote the nonlinearity parameters, $\varsigma(z)$ and $\omega(z)$ are the saturations of the nonlinear refractive indexes, $l(z)$ and $n(z)$ represent the self-steepening effects, $h(z)$ and $b(z)$ are the delayed nonlinear response effects. To our knowledge, the conservation laws, Lax pair, Darboux transformation (DT),
[32] rogue wave solutions,
[33] mixed-type vector solitons,
[34] bright and dark solitons and B\"{a}cklund transformations
[35] for Eqs. (1) have been studied. Refs.
[32, 35] have presented the integrable conditions for Eqs. (1), which can be rewritten as