Figure 4 illustrated the NPs volume fraction effects of $\varphi$ ($0.05\leq{}\varphi{}\leq{}0.2$) on the velocity $f'(\eta{})$ and temperature $\theta{}(\eta{})$ distributions for nanofluid (blood based on SWNTs) when $M\!=\!0.1,\ \lambda{}\!=\!R_d=1.0$, and $\ s\!=\!0.1$. It is remarkedthat for both cylindrical and lamina NPs shapes, as the $\varphi{}$ raises, the flow velocity and the nanofluid temperature diminish. The opposite trend takes place in the temperature profile with $\varphi{}$ in the case of spherical NPs. It is also observed that variations in $\varphi{}$ points to adaptations in nanofluid flow velocity and temperature which plays an important role in the cooling and heating procedures like, therapy of hematology diseases related to high body temperature. The effect of magnetic field parameter $M$ on velocity and temperature distributions is illustrated in
Fig. 5 when $\varphi{}\!=\!0.05,\ \lambda{}\!=\!R_d\!=\!1.0$, and $\ s\!=\!0.5$. It is noticed that for growing the $M$ value, the velocity exceeds, on contrary the temperature. The magnetic field $M$ has powerful impacts on the flow velocity $f'$ than on the temperature $\theta{}$. This result to a physical internal structure characterization of the nanofluid in motion with NPs shape, which is at the own time conformity with the Lorentz force. Whereas $M$ depends on porous parameter $K$, the porous medium resistance is scaled down which hikes the momentum enhancement of the nanofluid flow regime definitively develops the velocity field for both SWNTs shapes.
Figure 6 detects the influence of the heat source parameter $s$ on flow velocity and profile of temperature when $\varphi{}=0.05,\ \lambda{}=R_d=1.0,\ M=0.3$. The nanofluid velocity and temperature profiles exceed (for all types of NPs shapes) with mounting values $s$ resulting to an increment in the boundary layer thickness of the velocity. Physically, the increasing temperature results to heat source, which is boosted NPs movement and therefore enhances the velocity of the nanofluid. In
Fig. 7, the distributions of velocity and temperature for diverse amounts of thermal radiation parameter $R_d$ are drawn when $\varphi{}=0.1,\ \lambda{}=1.0,\ s=0.5$ and $M=0.3$. It is noted that for considerable values of $R_d$, flow velocity and temperature increase which interpret the physical status that as $R_d$ raises. The velocity and boundary-layer thickness of temperature tend to become more stable with increasing values of $R_d$.