In 2011, Zhang {\it et al}.
[3-4] designed a quantum cryptographic protocol based on continuous variables to realize the secret sharing between multiple parties and multiple parties, and analyzed it with information theory to prove its security. In 2013, Yin {\it et al}.
[5] proposed a three-party quantum key agreement of two-particle entangled states on an ideal quantum channel. In 2014,Xu et al.
[6] proposed a new multi-party quantum key agreement protocol based on GHZ states, and the protocol can be extended to multiple parties. Li et al.
[7] proposed a continuous variable measurement device-independent quantum key distribution, which is measured by an untrusted third party, which protects the detector side channel and improves quantum efficiency. In 2017, Zhou et al.
[8-9] proposed a quantum dialogue protocol based on continuous variable two-mode squeezed vacuum state and GHZ state, and the quantum dialogue efficiency was significantly improved. In the same year, Gu Jun et al.
[10] pointed out that Xu's agreement had participants attacking and did not meet the fairness requirement, so an improved plan was proposed. In 2018, Gong et al.
[11] proposed a quantum network dialog protocol based on the continuous variable GHZ states, which allows multiple communicating parties to conduct network conversations; They also propose a quantum network dialog protocol based on continuous variable single-mode squeezed states,
[12] which is easier to implement than discrete variable quantum dialog protocols. So far, the multi-party quantum key agreement protocol based on continuous variables has not received extensive attention and lacks corresponding experimental results. Therefore, the design and analysis of multi-party quantum key agreement protocol for studying continuous variables has very important significance both theoretical and practical.