This section researches impacts of two or three significant physical stream factors like Prandtl liquid parameter $\beta _{1}$, adaptable parameter $\beta _{2}$, Hartman number $Ha$, extent number $\alpha $, Biot parameter $\gamma $, Prandtl parameter $Pr$, Schmidt parameter $Sc$, Brownian improvement parameter $N_{b}$ and thermophoresis number $N_{t}$ on temperature $\theta (\zeta )$ and focus $\phi (\zeta )$. Figures 2 and 3 are constructed to present $\theta (\zeta )$ for different estimations of $\beta _{1}$ and $\beta _{2}$. It is noted from these figures that increase in $\beta _{1}$ and $\beta _{2}$ leads to decrease in temperature.
Figure 4 displays the variations of Hartman number $Ha$ on temperature profile $\theta (\zeta )$. Lorentz force arises in $Ha$ that resists the fluid motion therefore temperature field $\theta (\zeta )$ enhances.
Figure 5 demonstrates that an adjustment in extent number $\alpha $ prompts a poor temperature $\theta (\zeta )$ and less layer of warm. Impact of Biot number $\gamma $ on $\theta (\zeta )$ is depicted in
Fig. 6. Increase in $\gamma $ causes a powerful convection that display an increment in $\theta (\zeta )$.
Figure 7 shows that temperature diminish for greater values of Prandtl number. As greater $Pr$ corresponds to lower thermal diffusivity $\alpha $ which causes decrease in temperature.
Figure 8 is constructed to study the influence of thermophoresis parameter on the temperature field. This figure illustrates that increase in thermophoresis $N_{t}$ parameter tends to higher temperature. This parameter is occurred due to nanomaterials. The existence of nanomaterials raised the thermal conductivity of nanoliquids. Nanofluid thermal conductivity is an increasing function of temperature. That is why enhancement in temperature is observed for greater estimation of $N_{t}$. Figures 9 and 10 elucidate that nanoparticles concentration is smaller for greater values of $\beta _{1}$ and $\beta _{2}$ (material parameters). Figures 11 and 12 are plotted to analyze the change in $\phi \left( \zeta \right) $ for larger Hartman number and extent parameter $\alpha $. We observed that increasing and decaying impacts occur for both dimensionless parameters on concentration profile.
Figure 13 shows the consequences of Schmidt number on $\phi \left( \zeta \right) .$ Schmidt number relates to the mass diffusion of a system. As $Sc$ is increased mass diffusion decreases due to which concentration shows decreasing trend. Brownian parameter $N_{b}$ when increased causes a change in the Brownian motion of nanoparticles which reduces the distribution of concentration as depicted by
Fig. 14. Increasing $N_{t}$ causes increase in thermal conductivity of the system which contributes in increase of concentration as seen in
Fig. 15.
Figure 16 presents impact of $Ha$ and $\beta _{1}$ on $C_{f}Re_{x}^{1/2}$. It has been seen that $C_{f}Re_{x}^{1/2}$ improves for $Ha$.
Figure 17 demonstrates the effects of $\alpha $ and $\beta _{1}$ on $C_{f}Re_{x}^{1/2}$. Obviously $C_{f}Re_{x}^{1/2}$ demonstrates expanding conduct for $\alpha$ and $\beta _{1}$.
Figure 18 demonstrates the impacts of $Ha$ and $\beta _{1}$ on $C_{g}Re_{y}^{1/2}$. An upgrade in $Ha$ indicates expanding conduct for $C_{g}Re_{y}^{1/2}$.
Figure 19 demonstrates the impacts of $\alpha$ and $\beta_{1}$ on $C_{g}Re_{y}^{1/2}$. From this Figure it has been broke down that $C_{g}Re_{y}^{1/2}$ is a hoisting capacity of $\alpha$. Impact of $N_{b}$ and $N_{t}$ on $Nu_{x}Re_{x}^{1/2}$ are uncovered through
Fig. 20. Here $Nu_{x}Re_{x}^{1/2}$ diminishes for $N_{t}$ while steady pattern is seen for $N_{b}$.
Table 2 shows the comparison for different values of $\alpha $ with homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and exact solutions.
Table 2 presents an excellent agreement of OHAM solutions with the existing homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and exact solutions in a limiting sense.