1. Introduction
A | The security against the collusion attack and outside attack needs to be improved. |
B | Some extra checking sets used for prevent eavesdropping are inserted in the sequences of agents that are prepared in protocol. |
C | The sequences of photons are requested to preserve by the dealer, so that the dealer could not forget the quantum memory. |
2. Scheme 1: multiparty QDSS scheme (two classical bits sharing)
(1) Alice first prepares a six-particle GHZ state $| \psi \rangle \,=\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}{(| 000000\rangle +| 111111\rangle )}_{123456}$, then a special local unitary operation is performed on the sixth particle. | |
(2) Assume that particles (1, 2) belong to Bob, particles (3, 4) are in the possession of Charlie, and David owns particles (5, 6). | |
(3) After the secure quantum channel is set up, all agents perform Bell measurement on their particles, and the corresponding relationship between their measurement results can be depicted as follows: $\begin{eqnarray}\begin{array}{rcl}| {\psi }_{1}\rangle & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes {\sigma }_{00})\\ & & {\left(| 000000\rangle +| 111111\rangle \right)}_{123456}\\ & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\left(| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{56}+| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{56}\right.\\ & & \left.+| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{56}+| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{56}\right)\end{array}\end{eqnarray}$ $\begin{eqnarray}\begin{array}{rcl}| {\psi }_{2}\rangle & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes {\sigma }_{01})\\ & & {\left(| 000000\rangle +| 111111\rangle \right)}_{123456}\\ & = & {\left[\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 000000\rangle -| 111111\rangle )\right]}_{123456}\\ & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\left(| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{56}+| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{56}\right.\\ & & \left.+| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{56}+| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{56}\right)\end{array}\end{eqnarray}$ $\begin{eqnarray}\begin{array}{rcl}| {\psi }_{3}\rangle & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes {\sigma }_{10})\\ & & {\left(| 000000\rangle +| 111111\rangle \right)}_{123456}\\ & = & {\left[\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 000001\rangle +| 111110\rangle )\right]}_{123456}\\ & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\left(| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{3}{\rangle }_{56}+| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{4}{\rangle }_{56}\right.\\ & & +\left.| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{4}{\rangle }_{56}+| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{3}{\rangle }_{56}\right)\end{array}\end{eqnarray}$ $\begin{eqnarray}\begin{array}{rcl}| {\psi }_{4}\rangle & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes I\otimes {\sigma }_{11})\\ & & {\left(| 000000\rangle +| 111111\rangle \right)}_{123456}\\ & = & {\left[\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(-| 000001\rangle +| 111110\rangle )\right]}_{123456}\\ & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{2}\left(-| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{4}{\rangle }_{56}-| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{3}{\rangle }_{56}\right.\\ & & -\left.| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{1}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{3}{\rangle }_{56}-| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{12}| {\phi }_{2}{\rangle }_{34}| {\phi }_{4}{\rangle }_{56}\right)\end{array}\end{eqnarray}$ |
(1) Firstly, dealer Alice prepares N groups of six-particle GHZ state and K groups EPR pairs, where there is only one six-particle GHZ state in each N (information) group. As for rest K (sample) groups, which are used to check the scheme’s security and each k group contains three pairs of four Bell states at random $\{| {\phi }_{1}\rangle ,| {\phi }_{2}\rangle ,| {\phi }_{3}\rangle ,| {\phi }_{4}\rangle \}$. | |
(2) Secondly, dealer Alice records the locations of K sample groups. Then the local unitary operations are used to encode the secret coding on the sixth particle of the six-particle GHZ state. Last, Alice then divides all the prepared particles into six sequences. $\begin{eqnarray*}\begin{array}{rcl}{S}_{1} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(1),{P}_{2}(1),\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(1)\right],\\ {S}_{2} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(2),\,{P}_{2}(2),\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(2)\right]\\ {S}_{3} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(3),{P}_{2}(3),\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(3)\right],\\ {S}_{4} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(4),{P}_{2}(4),\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(4)\right]\\ {S}_{5} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(5),{P}_{2}(5),\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(5)\right],\\ {S}_{6} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(6),{P}_{2}(6),\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(6)\right]\end{array}\end{eqnarray*}$ As for Pi(j), i represents the groups from one to N + K;j stands for the particles’ sequence. | |
(3) Thirdly, dealer Alice sends the sequence {S1, S2} to Bob, sequence {S3, S4} to Charlie, and sequence {S5, S6} is sent to David. | |
(4) After confirming that Bob, Charlie and David have received their own particle sequences, Alice begins to perform the process of eavesdropping checking. First, she randomly announced the position of the sample group and the measurement basis chosen from the Z or X basis. Based on these information, by using the the corresponding measurement basis, each agent measures the sample particles on the corresponding measurement basis and tells the dealer (Alice) their measurement results subsequently. Finally, Alice can deduce the communication’s error rate according to original state and measurement results of the particles in the sample group. If the value is lower than the threshold, the protocol continues. Otherwise, the protocol will be abandoned. | |
(5) Agents Bob, Charlie and David perform Bell measurements on their own particles respectively for the remaining N information groups, and the measurement results stand for part of their secret: KB, KC, KD. It is not difficult to find that agents Bob, Charlie and David can cooperate to reconstruct the information of dealer (Alice)ij = KB ⊕ KC ⊕ KD. |
Figure 1. The flow chart of scheme 1 includes the distribution of particles sequences and corresponding unitary operation ${U}_{{}_{6}}$. |
3. Scheme 2: a newly proposed multiparty QDSS scheme (four classical bits sharing)
(1) First, dealer Alice generates N groups of six-particle GHZ state and K groups EPR pairs, which there is only one six-particle GHZ state in each N group, and for the remaining K sample groups, each group contains 3 EPR pairs randomly of 4 Bell states, which are used to check information security. | |
(2) Dealer Alice records the locations of k sample groups. For the remaining N information groups, the encoding of the secret is imposed on the second, fourth and sixth particles of the six-particle GHZ state by the corresponding local unitary operations. Alice then divides these particles into six sequences (the same as step two in scheme 1): $\begin{eqnarray*}\begin{array}{rcl}{S}_{1} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(1),{P}_{2}(1),\,\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(1)\right],\\ {S}_{2} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(2),{P}_{2}(2),\,\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(2)\right]\\ {S}_{3} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(3),{P}_{2}(3),\,\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(3)\right],\\ {S}_{4} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(4),{P}_{2}(4),\,\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(4)\right]\\ {S}_{5} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(5),{P}_{2}(5),\,\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(5)\right],\\ {S}_{6} & = & \left[{P}_{1}(6),{P}_{2}(6),\,\ldots ,\,{P}_{N+K}(6)\right]\end{array}\end{eqnarray*}$ | |
(3) Dealer Alice delivers the sequence (S1, S2) to Bob, sequence (S3, S4) to Charlie, and sequence (S5, S6) to David. | |
(4) After all agents receive their own particle sequences, Alice executes the process of eavesdropping detection. She randomly announces the location of the K sample group and the corresponding measurement basis (Z-basis or X-basis). Each agent measures the sample particles on the matched measurement basis and tells the dealer (Alice) their measurement results. Alice can deduce the error rate, based on the measurement results and the particles’ original state in the sample group. Similarly to step (4) in scheme 1, if the value is lower than the threshold, the protocol continues. Otherwise, the protocol will be abandoned. | |
(5) To prevent the secret message from being leaked, agents Bob, Charlie and David respectively measure their particles of the remaining N information groups and inform the dealer (Alice) of their corresponding measurement results. Alice compares the agents’ measurement results with local unitary operation and 16 kinds of Bell measurement result of six-particle GHZ states defined above. If the two measurement results are the same, Alice can inform each agent of the classical information that she wants to share. |
Figure 2. The flow chart of scheme 2 includes the distribution of particles sequences and corresponding unitary operations ${U}_{{}_{2}}$, ${U}_{{}_{4}}$, ${U}_{{}_{6}}$. |