Investigation of Heisenberg algebra for a modified anti-de Sitter and modified anti-Snyder models
Nasrin Farahani
, 1
Hassan Hassanabadi
Won Sang Chung
Leyla Naderi
1Faculty of Physics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran
2Department of Physics and Research Institute of Natural Science, College of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Republic of Korea
3Faculty of Physics, Semnan University, PO Box 35195-363, Semnan, Iran
In this paper, we consider a possible modification of the de Sitter and anti-de Sitter space for the extended uncertainty principle. For the modified anti-de Sitter model we discuss the representation and wave functions of the momentum operator for a one-dimensional box problem. Also, we consider modified Snyder and anti-Snyder models for the generalized uncertainty principle. Then, we assume the Hamiltonian with different potential and solve the Heisenberg algebra for the modified (anti)-de Sitter and (anti)-Snyder models in both position and in the momentum space.
Nasrin Farahani, Hassan Hassanabadi, Won Sang Chung, Leyla Naderi. Investigation of Heisenberg algebra for a modified anti-de Sitter and modified anti-Snyder models[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2020, 72(3): 035404. DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/ab6914
1. Introduction
Any attempt to measure precisely the velocity of a subatomic particle, such as an electron, which is unpredictable, means that the simultaneous measurement of its position has no validity. This is the result of the principle of quantum mechanics (QM), formulated by Heisenberg [1], that accurate measurement of the one of two related observable quantities, as position and momentum or energy and time, produces uncertainties in the measurement of the other one, such that the product of the uncertainties of both quantities is equal to or greater than ℏ/2π, where ℏ is the Planck’s constant. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is often expressed as the limitation of operational possibilities imposed by QMs. The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (HUP) has been extended to contain the existence of a minimal uncertainty in momentum. Therefore, we have another modified form of Heisenberg uncertainty principle in an (anti)-de Sitter background in which the Heisenberg uncertainty principle should be modified by introducing some corrections proportional to the cosmological constant with the (anti)-de Sitter radius. The de Sitter space was introduced by Willem de Sitter [2]. In the de Sitter background, space has a positive radius and in the anti-de Sitter background it has a negative radius. The modified form of the Heisenberg relations in both spaces is referred to as extended uncertainty principle (EUP). Then, we know that EUP has a minimal uncertainty in the momentum. The HUP should break down at energies near to Planck scale [1], and produce a sentence of Planck scale, that is a modified Heisenberg uncertainty relation and leads to deformed canonical commutator due to generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). On the other hand, GUP predicts the existence of a minimal length. Some approaches in physics predict this minimal length, Gedanken experiment [3], String theory [4–6], and black hole [7]. In the String theory, a GUP approach was introduced by Amati and et al [8]. This approach leads to finding a distance smaller than characteristic string length [4–6, 9]. Kempf introduced a minimal length scale to the mathematical basis of QM [10–13]. Thus, QM and quantum gravity are in agreement for the existence of a minimal uncertainty in position. These results are consistent with the non-commutative space–time discussed in [12, 14, 15] in the Minkowski spacetime.
In this paper we investigate the Heisenberg algebra using momentum representation by modified (anti)-Snyder based on GUP. In the second section, we introduce different modified anti-de Sitter and de Sitter models. In section 3, we obtain the different representations in the position space and the momentum space for the introduced commutation relations. Then, we obtain eigenstates of momentum in the position space in section 4. In section 5, we assume a new algebraic approach for these commutation relations and obtain the wave function in the momentum representation, and we calculate the Heisenberg algebra for a free particle in the modified anti-de Sitter and de Sitter models in section 6. We calculate the Heisenberg algebra by solving through the successive approximation method with Hamiltonian by considering harmonic oscillator potential for all commutation relations. In section 7, we introduce the GUP in Snyder and anti-Snyder space and obtain the modified kinetic energies, velocities and coordinates from the Poisson bracket in Snyder background and we obtain the modified frequency from solving Heisenberg algebra by considering Hamiltonian with Harmonic oscillator potential in the momentum representation for GUP in the Snyder and anti-Snyder space.
2. General extension of the (anti)-de Sitter model
We have another modified relation of the HUP [1] in an (anti)-de Sitter background. The HUP should be modified by introducing some corrections proportional to the cosmological constant $3{\lambda }^{2}=\left|{\rm{\Lambda }}\right|={10}^{-52}\ {{\rm{m}}}^{-2}$ , ${\lambda }^{2}=\tfrac{1}{{L}_{H}^{2}}$ , with LH the (anti)-de Sitter radius and $\tfrac{1}{{L}_{H}^{2}}={\alpha }^{2}$ [10, 16]. Also we know de Sitter’s space–time is an exact solution of the equations of ordinary general relativity discovered in 1917 [2]. Also it can be defined as a sub manifold of a generalized Minkowski space of one higher dimension. In quantum field theory based on a curved space, the anti-de Sitter space–time (Ads) is a maximally symmetric with a negative cosmology constant (negative radius with LH > 0) and the cosmology constant is positive in the de Sitter space–time. In the case of zero curvature of this space–time, we have Minkowski space. As such, they are exact solutions of Einstein’s field equations for an empty universe with a positive, zero or negative cosmological constants, respectively. This space–time was named after Willem de Sitter [17]. Modified Heisenberg equation under the EUP in the de Sitter space is represented as [18]
which implies that $\left\langle \sqrt{1-{\alpha }^{2}{X}^{2}}\right\rangle $ cannot be zero for all normalized wave functions φ(X). Let us assume that L = 0. Then we have
Because $| \phi (X){| }^{2}\geqslant 0$, we have φ(X) = 0 for all $X\in \left[-\tfrac{1}{\alpha },\tfrac{1}{\alpha }\right]$. Then, we have
$\begin{eqnarray}(\phi ,\phi )=0.\end{eqnarray}$
That contradicts equation (18). Therefore $L\ne 0$ and 0 < L < 1. Because ${X}^{2}\leqslant \tfrac{1}{{\beta }^{2}}$ for all $X\in \left[-\tfrac{1}{\alpha },\tfrac{1}{\alpha }\right]$ we get
The canonical position representation for the (13) algebra is obtained from the momentum representation with replacing $\hat{P}=\hat{p}=-{\rm{i}}\tfrac{\partial }{\partial x}$ , as
for the case of $| X| \lt \tfrac{1}{\alpha }$ the equation (36) reduces to ${{C}{\rm{e}}}^{-{pX}}$, that is the plane wave. The wave function ψp(X) obeys the normalization condition
Also, we can be calculate the Wave Function in a momentum representation and deformed exponential function by using the Jackson's q-derivative [23–25] or Tsallis's q-derivative [26–28].
5. Heisenberg algebra for a free particle by modified (anti)-de Sitter models
In this section, we write the Heisenberg algebra for both anti-de Sitter and de Sitter models for a free particle.
We assume the following algebra in anti-de Sitter space
Figure 1. Plot of the equation of motion under the EUP in the de Sitter space (black line) and the equation of motion under the EUP in the anti-de Sitter (dashed line) where we set P = m = 1 and α = 0.5.
We see that deformed frequency in α = 0 leads to the ordinary relation and is equal to ordinary frequency ${\omega }^{2}={\omega }_{0}^{2}$.
Now, in order to calculate the deformed frequency, we consider higher order X in equation (74) and we obtain the high order deformed frequency for EUP. Therefore, we add ${X}_{1}\cos (3\omega t)$ term to equation (73) and by substituting it in equation (72) we have
We neglect the sixth, seventh and eighth terms We regulate the terms versus coefficient ${X}_{0}\cos (\omega t)$ and $\cos (3\omega t)$ . Then, setting the first quantity in parentheses equal to zero gives the previous value for ω in equation (77)
Where, X and P are position operator and momentum operator. Also, we define generalization parameter as $\beta ={\beta }_{0}\tfrac{{M}_{{\rm{Pl}}}}{{c}^{2}}$. Where β is of order the Planck mass and ${\beta }_{0}$ is of order the unity. Considering GUP and deformed momentum representation and we suggest the existence of the fundamental minimal length ${\rm{\Delta }}{X}_{\min }={\rm{\hslash }}\sqrt{\beta }$, which is of the order of the Planck’s length ${l}_{p}=\sqrt{{\rm{\hslash }}G/{c}^{3}}\simeq 1.6\times {10}^{-35}{\rm{m}}$. The first algebra of this kind in the relativistic case was proposed by Snyder in 1947 [34]. Also, recently Mignemi [35] proposed the new model that is called the anti Snyder model by replacing β with −β as
With using from expansion and Then for small values of $\sqrt{\beta }$ for sinh and the sinh cubic terms, we obtain velocity and coordinate for the Snyder model as
We obtained the modified velocities and the modified coordinates in anti-Snyder and Snyder models which depends to β parameter and in limited state changes to ordinary form.
7.1. Kinetic energy in the (anti)-Snyder space and parameter of deformation
In this section, we assume each particle of the system moves by the same velocity [29]. Let us rewrite the kinetic energy as a function of velocity. From the relation between velocity and momentum for anti-Snyder model in equation (98) we have
We see that the modified kinetic energy depends on β parameter. Then, we repeat this solution for the equation (105) which is GUP commutator for the Snyder space.
The above equation is the modified kinetic energy for the Snyder space and depends on deformation parameter which in the special case has the ordinary form.
We consider the Hamiltonian equation (67) for a harmonic oscillator and according to KMM algebra [12], we obtain the Heisenberg equations of motion for X and P, by using this representation and Hamiltonian [15]
We see that deformed frequency for the case that β tends to zero leads to ordinary relation and equals to the ordinary frequency ${\omega }^{2}={\omega }_{0}^{2}$.
Now, we calculate the deformed frequency by considering higher order P in equation (129) and we obtain the high order deformed frequency for the GUP. Therefore, we add ${P}_{1}\cos (3\omega t)$ term to equation (130) and we obtain
We neglect the sixth, seventh and eighth terms Then, we regulate the terms versus ${P}_{0}\cos (\omega t)$ coefficient and $\cos (3\omega t)$. Then, considering the first quantity in parentheses equals zero give us the previous value for ω in equation (133)
Above equation can be used to obtain the dynamical properties of the system. In figure 2, we have plotted X versus t by using of equations (80) and (139).
Figure 2. Plot of the EUP oscillator in the de Sitter space (black line) and GUP oscillator in the Snyder space (dashed line) where we set X0 = P0 = m = ω = 1 and α = β = 0.5.
Then, we repeat this solution for the another commutator in the Snyder and anti-Snyder space. we will be able to obtain time evolution for position and momentum as
In fact, we obtained dynamical properties for Gup in the Snyder and anti-Snyder backgrounds and for EUP in the anti-de Sitter and de Sitter space that give us important results in the modified EUP and GUP field.
8. Conclusion
We have shown that there is another modified EUP in anti-de Sitter and de Sitter space–time, which we have written the representation in the position and the momentum space for. Also, we show that Heisenberg algebra for a free particle gives us a modified position equation that in special case ordinary results have been recovered. We have shown the Heisenberg equation of motion for EUP for Harmonic oscillator potential by solving through the successive approximation method, gives us the well-known results in the case of $\alpha =0$. In the non-zero state, we obtained the modified frequency for EUP and with successive approximation method we have obtained an equation in which the dynamical properties of the system are included. Also we introduced the modified anti-Snyder and snyder space for GUP and we have represented the Heisenberg algebra in the gravitational field given a modified kinetic energy for each of the commutations introduced. We are able to interpret this energy and find that it is a deformed form of ordinary energy and in the special case (β tends to zero) changes to previous form. Also, we have obtained modified coordinates and momentum for GUP in the Snyder and anti-Snyder background with harmonic oscillator potential. As we know, if the deformation parameter equals zero, we obtain the basic forms.
The authors thank the referees for a thorough reading of our manuscript and for a constructive suggestion.