We propose and develop another approach to constructing multi-soliton solutions of an integrable two-component Camassa–Holm (CH2) system. With the help of a reciprocal transformation and a gauge transformation, we relate the CH2 system to a negative flow of the Broer–Kaup or two-boson hierarchy. The solutions of this negative flow are given in terms of Wronskians via Darboux transformation. Then the multi-soliton solutions of the CH2 system are recovered in parametric form by inverting the reciprocal transformation and the gauge transformation.
derived by Camassa and Holm [1] in 1993 as a shallow water wave model, has been studied extensively (see [2–13] and references therein). While the CH equation appears in the paper by Fuchssteiner and Fokas [14], it becomes popular only after the work of Camassa and Holm. In the case of k = 0, the CH equation (1) has the remarkable property of possessing the peaked solutions or peakons [1].
A two-component generalization of CH (CH2) equation was proposed by Olver and Rosenau within the framework of tri-Hamiltonian duality [15]. It reads as
where $m=u-{u}_{{xx}}+{k}^{2}$. Obviously, the CH2 system (2) reduces to CH equation (1) when ρ = 0. By construction, the CH2 system is a bi-Hamiltonian system, thus it is integrable. Immediately after, Schiff obtained a Lax representation for it [16]. It is mentioned that another two-component extension of the CH equation, which is similar to (2) but with the replacement of ρρx by $-\rho {\rho }_{x}$, was proposed [17–19] in a different context. Two-component CH equations with both plus sign and minus sign in front of ρρx have been studied considerably and a large number of results has been accumulated (see [20–29] and the references therein). One may consult [27, 28] for more details on the history of the CH2 systems. We just mention here that the CH equation has been extended into multicomponent by various methods and in particular a classification study was conducted for two-component generalizations most recently [30]. While a physical interpretation of the two-component CH equation in [19] is not available till now, the CH2 system (2) is indeed interesting in the physical context [22, 23].
As mentioned above, the CH2 system is a completely integrable system and its linear spectral problem or Lax representation reads as follows [16]
where λ is the spectral parameter (see also [22, 23]). For the CH2 system, different methods have been developed to construct its solutions and study their properties [22, 23, 25–29]. In particular, for the constructions to multi-soliton solutions, we mention following works. The first one is the work of Holm and Ivanov who developed an inverse scattering method and the multi-soliton solutions are constructed analytically [27]. The second work is done by Matsuno very recently. He obtained the multi-soliton solutions to the CH2 system systematically within the framework of Hirota bilinear method and the analysis of these solutions was further conducted [28].
It has been known that Darboux transformations play vital roles in the study of integrable equations and are very effective in constructing multi-soliton solutions [31–33]. For the CH equation, Li and Zhang made important contributions and proposed a way to calculate its multi-solution solutions [8]. Recently Xia et al refined the method of Li and Zhang and made the approach more direct [13]. The ideas were applied successfully to two more Camassa–Holm type equations, namely the Novikov equation and Degasperis–Procesi equation and their multi-solition solutions are obtained [34, 35].
The purpose of this paper is to develop a Darboux transformation approach to the CH2 system (2) so that its multi-soliton solutions will be recovered. As always, for the Camassa–Holm type equations, reciprocal transformation will play a key role. In addition, we also introduce further gauge transformation so that the CH2 system is related to a negative flow of the Broer–Kaup (or the dispersive water waves, or the two-boson) hierarchy. In this way, we are able to give a compact and neat representation for the multi-soliton solutions of the CH2 system in terms of Wronskians. For the two-component CH equation with minus sign in the second equation, we notice that both Wu [20] and Lin et al [21], based on Darboux transformations, derived some solutions including lower order solitons.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we recall the reciprocal transformation and then introduce a gauge transformation. These transformations establish a link between the CH2 system and a particular negative flow of the Broer–Kaup hierarchy. In section 3, we consider a Darboux transformation for the negative flow of the Broer–Kaup hierarchy. The iteration of this Darboux transformation leads to a representation of solutions in Wronskians. These results are adopted to find the multi-soliton solutions in parametric form. In section 4, we give two explicit examples and explain their relationship with the known results.
2. Reciprocal transformation
It is well known that the transformations of reciprocal type play key roles in the study of the Camassa–Holm type equations and this also is the case for the CH2 system. Next, we will take a reciprocal transformation in conjugation with a gauge transformation to establish a link between the CH2 system and a negative flow of the Broer–Kaup hierarchy.
From the conservation law (2b), we consider the following reciprocal transformation $(x,t)\to (y,\tau )$ defined by
Thus, equations (12) and (13) constitute a Lax representation of the CH2 equation in the new coordinates. After a simple calculation, we find the corresponding system as follows
and we will take (12) and (16) as the spectral problems for (15) in the sequel.
The system (15) is a bit complicated and to get a better understanding of it, we introduce $\sigma =\tfrac{1}{2}({\rho }_{y}-\rho U)$, then it may be rewritten as
since the two matrix differential operators appeared in (17a) and (17b) are the first and second Hamiltonian operators of the Broer–Kaup or two-boson system respectively [36], we succeed in relating the CH2 system to a negative flow of Broer–Kaup hierarchy. The system will be referred as the negative Broer–Kaup (NBK) equation.
3. Darboux transformation and multi-soliton solutions
Having made a connection between the CH2 system (2) and the NBK equation (17), we now need to consider Darboux transformation and its iteration for the latter. In general, for a Lax operator $L=\sum _{i}{u}_{i}{\partial }_{x}^{i}$, it is known that three different classes of integrable nonlinear hierarchies may be constructed as follows
where k = 0, 1, 2. For the explanation of notations and a thorough discussion of these hierarchies, we refer to the papers of Oevel and his collaborators [37, 38], which also contain the corresponding Darboux transformations. As far as we are concerned, the Lax representation for the Broer–Kaup hierarchy corresponds to the case k = 1, which sometimes is dubbed as the nonstandard Lax representation. We now recall the relevant Darboux transformation. Let f = f1(x, t) be a particular solution of (12) and (16) at λ = λ1, then the transforms
keep the spectral problems (12) and (16) covariant.
It is interesting that the iteration of above Darboux transformation or N-fold Darboux transformation may be represented in terms of Wronksians [39]. Thus, let ${f}_{1},{f}_{2}$, ..., ${f}_{N}$ be solutions of (12), (16) at $\lambda ={\lambda }_{1},{\lambda }_{2}$, ..., ${\lambda }_{N}$ respectively. Then with these solutions, the N-fold Darboux transformation of the NKB equation reads as
where $W({f}_{1},{f}_{2},\,\ldots ,\,{f}_{N})$ denotes the standard Wronskian.
To obtain multi-soliton solutions for the NBK equation, we take $U=-\tfrac{{\rm{i}}{k}^{2}}{{\rho }_{0}^{2}},$ $V=-\tfrac{{k}^{4}+{\rho }_{0}^{2}}{4{\rho }_{0}^{4}}$ as a seed solution, which corresponds to a seed solution $\rho ={\rho }_{0},u=0$ of the CH2 equation. Then, we calculate the needed fj's for the N-fold Darboux transformation. To this end, we have to solve the following system
with ${\tilde{\xi }}_{j}=\tfrac{{p}_{j}}{2}(y+\tfrac{{\rho }_{0}}{2{\lambda }_{j}}\tau +{\tilde{\xi }}_{{j}_{0}})$ and ${\tilde{\xi }}_{{j}_{0}}$ arbitrary constants. To obtain the real solutions for the CH2 equation, we should assume that pj and ${\lambda }_{j}\ne 0$ are real numbers. Thus we have ${k}^{4}+{\rho }_{0}^{2}-{p}_{j}^{2}{\rho }_{0}^{4}\gt 0$ and hence ${\lambda }_{j}=\tfrac{{k}^{2}\mp \sqrt{{k}^{4}+{\rho }_{0}^{2}-{p}_{j}^{2}{\rho }_{0}^{4}}}{2{\rho }_{0}^{2}}$. Furthermore, without loss of generality, we assume ${p}_{j}\gt 0,{\rho }_{0}\gt 0$.
In general, $-\tfrac{{\rho }_{0}}{2{\lambda }_{j}}$ is the velocity of jth soliton in the coordinate $(y,\tau )$, which is denoted by cj in [28]. From the expression of λj, it follows that $-\tfrac{{\rho }_{0}}{2{\lambda }_{j}}$ solves a quadratic equation which is nothing but the equation $(2.23e)$ of [28] up to some identifications of parameters.
Above we presented the solutions of the NBK equation in terms of the independent variables y, τ by means of Darboux transformation. To construct solution u(x, t), ρ(x, t) of the CH2 equation, we now follow the idea of Li and Zhang [8] (see [13] also) and find the coordinate transformation between x, t and y, τ. To this end, we first consider two fundamental solutions of equation (12) with $U[N],V[N]$ and $\rho [N]$ at $\lambda =0$ which may be generated as
The general solution of the equation (31) reads as ${\rm{\Psi }}={d}_{1}{{\rm{e}}}^{\tfrac{x}{2}}+{d}_{2}{{\rm{e}}}^{-\tfrac{x}{2}}$. For equation (32), its general solution is a linear combination of the two fundamental solutions Φ1 and Φ2 given by (26). Taking the gauge transformation (11) and the asymptotic properties (27)–(30) into consideration, we may infer that
where d3, d4 are constants. Thus, we have ${{\rm{e}}}^{x}=\tfrac{{{\rm{e}}}^{\tfrac{x}{2}}}{{{\rm{e}}}^{-\tfrac{x}{2}}}=\tfrac{{d}_{3}{\bar{W}}_{N}}{{d}_{4}{\hat{W}}_{N}}$. It follows immediately that
where ${\bar{W}}_{N}$ and ${\hat{W}}_{N}$ are defined by (26).
4. Examples
In this section, we shall give the parametric representations for one-soliton and two-soliton solutions of the CH2 system explicitly. These solutions are same as the early results obtained by using a direct method combined with a reciprocal transformation [28]. For convenience, we set ${z}_{1}=\tfrac{{\rho }_{0}-{{ik}}^{2}}{2{\rho }_{0}^{2}},{z}_{2}=-\tfrac{{\rho }_{0}+{{ik}}^{2}}{2{\rho }_{0}^{2}}$.
Notice that because of ${\lambda }_{1}\ne 0$, if ${\lambda }_{1}=\tfrac{{k}^{2}-\sqrt{{k}^{4}+{\rho }_{0}^{2}-{p}_{1}^{2}{\rho }_{0}^{4}}}{2{\rho }_{0}^{2}}$, we should take ${p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}\ne 1$.
where ${\gamma }_{1}=\sqrt{(1-{p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{1})(1+{p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{1})}$.
Two remarks are in order. First, for ${p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}\ne 1$, $1-{p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{1}=\tfrac{1}{2}{\left({p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}-1\right)}^{2}\,+\,2{\rho }_{0}^{2}{\lambda }_{1}^{2}\gt 0$, thus $\sqrt{(1-{p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{1})/(1+{p}_{1}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{1})}\gt 0$. Second, one-soliton solution presented here is identical to the one constructed by Matsuno with N = 1 (see equation (2.18) and theorem 2.2 of [28]). It is mentioned that the parameters ${p}_{j},k$ and $\tfrac{{\rho }_{0}}{2{\lambda }_{j}}$ here correspond to the parameters ${k}_{j},\kappa $ and $-{c}_{j}$ in [28] respectively.
Similar to N = 1 case, when ${\lambda }_{j}=\tfrac{{k}^{2}-\sqrt{{k}^{4}+{\rho }_{0}^{2}-{p}_{j}^{2}{\rho }_{0}^{4}}}{2{\rho }_{0}^{2}}$, we need ${p}_{j}{\rho }_{0}\ne 1.$ Then choose
with ${h}_{1}=1+{{\rm{e}}}^{2{\tilde{\xi }}_{1}-{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{1}}+{{\rm{e}}}^{2{\tilde{\xi }}_{2}-{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{2}}+\delta {{\rm{e}}}^{2{\tilde{\xi }}_{1}+2{\tilde{\xi }}_{2}-{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{1}-{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{2}}$, ${h}_{2}\,=1+{{\rm{e}}}^{2{\tilde{\xi }}_{1}+{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{1}}+{{\rm{e}}}^{2{\tilde{\xi }}_{2}+{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{2}}+\delta {{\rm{e}}}^{2{\tilde{\xi }}_{1}+2{\tilde{\xi }}_{2}+{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{1}+{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{2}}$, ${{\rm{e}}}^{-{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{j}}=\sqrt{\tfrac{1-{p}_{j}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{j}}{1+{p}_{j}{\rho }_{0}+2{k}^{2}{\lambda }_{j}}}$ ($j=1,2$), $\delta =\tfrac{({\alpha }_{2}-{\alpha }_{1})({\beta }_{2}-{\beta }_{1})}{({\alpha }_{2}-{\beta }_{1})({\beta }_{2}-{\alpha }_{1})}$ =$\,\tfrac{4{\left({\lambda }_{2}-{\lambda }_{1}\right)}^{2}+{\left({p}_{1}-{p}_{2}\right)}^{2}}{4{\left({\lambda }_{2}-{\lambda }_{1}\right)}^{2}+{\left({p}_{1}+{p}_{2}\right)}^{2}}$, which is the same as the solution of N = 2 in [28] (equations (2.18), (3.22a), (3.22b), (3.24b), (3.24c)).
For the general $N$, the multi-soliton solution of the CH2 equation may be obtained similarly.
This work is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11871471, 11931017, 11505064 and 11805071), Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China (Grant No. 2016J05008), the Yue Qi Outstanding Scholar Project, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing (Grant No. 00-800015Z1177) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
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