1. Introduction
2. Outline of the separation of variables method
3. Homogenous polynomial cases: exact solutions for the nonlinear fractional reaction–diffusion equation
Consider the fractional evolution equation
By separation of variables method, letting
As a nontrivial example, we consider the nonlinear time-fractional reaction–diffusion equation
4. Non-homogenous polynomial cases: exact solutions for the fractional KP equation
Consider the fractional evolution equation
By separation of variables method, letting
We consider the general fractional KP equation
It is easily to see that theorem
From the above application, we can see that for high-dimensional space nonlinear problem, the separation of variables method is a more suitable tool to solve exact solutions because we have more freedom to find v.
5. Exact solutions to fractional differential-difference equations
Consider the fractional differential-difference equation
We consider the fractional Langmuir chain equation
When $\alpha =1$, some exact solutions of the usual Langmuir chains equation were obtained in [15].
We consider fractional Toda lattice system
In [13], some exact solutions for the fractional Toda lattice system were given by the invariant subspace method.