4(a) and (c) show the phase space domains and Poincaré sections of a two-species BJJ system at
uab = −0.1622 under constant coupling (without occasional coupling). Figure
4(a) shows a nonlocal MS state, with two phase-space domains of the same acreage lying symmetry along axis ${S}_{{\rm{a}},{\rm{b}}}=0$. Figure
4(c) shows the overlapped Poincaré sections in phase plane (
Sa) and (
Sb). The Poincaré section is taken with
θb = 3.14 (
θa = 3.14), ${\dot{\theta }}_{{\rm{b}}}\gt 0$ $({\dot{\theta }}_{{\rm{a}}}\lt 0)$ and presented with red (black) dots. We note that the Poincaré sections in phase plane (
Sa) and $({\theta }_{{\rm{b}}},{S}_{{\rm{b}}})$ have the same size and lie symmetric along the ${S}_{{\rm{a}},{\rm{b}}}=0$ axis. However, after applying occasional coupling to a two-species BJJ system, the corresponding phase space domains and Poincaré sections are shown in figures
4(b) and (d). Here we set occasional coupling parameters as
T = 0.3,
θ = 0.5. As shown in figure
4(b), we find that the two phase space domains merge together, indicating conventional MS is achieved. Figure
4(d) shows the overlapped Poincaré sections under occasional coupling. The Poincaré sections are taken with
θb = 3.14(
θa = 3.14), ${\dot{\theta }}_{{\rm{b}}}\gt 0({\dot{\theta }}_{{\rm{a}}}\gt 0)$, the resultant section slices are marked with red(black) dots. In figure
4(d), there shows many irregular points for the two subsystems mixed together, indicating that
chaotic MS is achieved. To sum up, we find that chaotic MS can be obtained by employing the occasional coupling to nonlocal MS in the
π-phase mode.