In recent years, there has been growing interest in finding the solution of relativistic wave equations of spin-zero particles, with or without potential, of various kinds, and using a variety of methods. In particular, several researchers have investigated the physical properties of a series of backgrounds with Gödel-type geometries. The relativistic quantum dynamics of spin-zero scalar particles in the Som–Raychaudhuri geometries was investigated in [
4] and observed the similarity of the energy eigenvalue with the Landau levels [
5] in flat spaces (see also, [
6]). The relativistic quantum dynamics of a scalar particle in the Gödel-type geometries of flat, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces was investigated in [
7]. The Klein–Gordon oscillator under the influence of topological defects in the presence of external fields in the Som–Raychaudhuri space–time was studied in [
8]. The relativistic quantum dynamics of a scalar particle in a Gödel-type metric with cosmic string was investigated in [
9] and compared its results with landau levels in flat spaces. A quantum particle described by the Klein–Gordon oscillator interacting with a cosmic dislocation in Som–Raychaudhuri space–time, and in the presence of a ahomogeneous magnetic field using the Kaluza–Klein theory was investigated in [
10]. Dirac fermions in a Gödel-type background space–times with torsion were investigated in [
11]. Weyl fermions in a family of Gödel-type geometries as per Einstein’s theory of general relativity was studied in [
12]. The authors solved the Weyl equation and found the energy eigenvalue and eigen-spinors for all three cases of Gödel-type geometries where the topological defecta is passing through string. In [
13], a photon equation (mass-less Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation) was written explicitly for the general type of stationary Gödel space–time, and was solved exactly both for Gödel-type and Gödel space–times. The relativistic quantum dynamics of a scalar particle in a topologically trivial flat Gödel-type space–time was studied in [
14]. Linear confinement of a scalar particle in the Som–Raychaudhuri space–time with a cosmic string in [
15] (see also, [
16]) and with a scalar and vector potentials of Coulomb-type in a topologically trivial flat Gödel-type space–time, were investigated in [
17]. The Dirac equation in a topologically trivial flat Gödel-type space–time was investigated in [
18]. Spin-0 system of the DKP equation and the DKP oscillator in a topologically trivial flat Gödel-type space–time was investigated in [
19] and [
20], respectively. The generalized Klein–Gordon oscillator subject to a scalar Coulomb potential in the backgrounds of (1+2)-dimensional Gürses space–time was investigated in [
21]. The behavior of scalar particles with Yukawa-like confining potential in the Som–Raychaudhuri space–time in the presence of topological defects was investigated in [
22]. The ground state of a bosonic massive charged particle in the presence of external fields in the Som–Raychaudhuri space–time was investigated in [
23]. Recently, we pointed out in [
24] that the derived radial wave equation of the Klein–Gordon equation in the Som–Raychaudhuri space–time in the presence of external fields in [
23] was incorrect. The relativistic quantum dynamics of spin-0 massive charged particles in the presence of external fields in a four-dimensional curved space–time was investigated in [
25]. The Klein–Gordon equation with vector and scalar potentials of a Coulomb-type under the influence of non-inertial effects in the cosmic string space–time was studied in [
26]. The confinement of scalar particles subject to Coulomb-type potential has been investigated by many authors (e.g., [
30]). It is also worth mentioning studies that have dealt with Coulomb-type potential in the propagation of gravitational waves [
31], quark models [
32] and in relativistic quantum mechanics [