1. Introduction
2. Top partner in the LHT model
3. Event generation and discovery potentiality
Figure 1. The leading order Feynman diagrams of single ${\bar{T}}_{+}$ production at ${e}^{-}\gamma $ collision. |
Figure 2. The ratio ${\sigma }_{P}/\sigma $ of ${e}^{-}\gamma \to {\bar{T}}_{+}b{\nu }_{e}$ cross sections at polarizations ${P}_{{e}^{-}}$ and ${P}_{\gamma }$, for f = 800 GeV, R = 1 (${m}_{T}\,\approx $ 1120 GeV) at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2 TeV. ${\sigma }_{P}$ denotes the polarized cross section, and σ denotes the unpolarized cross section. |
• | Mode A: ${e}^{-}\gamma $ $\to $ ${\bar{T}}_{+}b{\nu }_{e}$ $\to $ $(\bar{t}Z)b{\nu }_{e}$ $\to $ $({W}^{-}\bar{b}{l}^{+}{l}^{-})b{\nu }_{e}\,\to ({jj}\bar{b}{l}^{+}{l}^{-})b{\nu }_{e}$. |
• | Mode B: ${e}^{-}\gamma $ $\to $ ${\bar{T}}_{+}b{\nu }_{e}$ $\to $ $(\bar{t}Z)b{\nu }_{e}$ $\to $ $({W}^{-}\bar{b}{jj})b{\nu }_{e}\,\to ({l}^{-}\bar{{\nu }_{l}}\bar{b}{jj})b{\nu }_{e}$. |
Table 1. The processes of signals (S) and backgrounds (B) for two modes. |
Process | Mode A | Mode B | |
S | ${e}^{-}\gamma \to {\bar{T}}_{+}b{\nu }_{e}$ | ${\bar{T}}_{+}\to \bar{t}Z$, $\bar{t}\to {jj}\bar{b}$, $Z\to {l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ | ${\bar{T}}_{+}\to \bar{t}Z$, $\bar{t}\to {l}^{-}\bar{{\nu }_{l}}\bar{b}$, $Z\to {jj}$ |
B1 | ${e}^{-}\gamma \to {W}^{-}{ZZ}{\nu }_{e}$ | ${W}^{-}\to {jj}$, ${Z}_{1}\to {l}^{+}{l}^{-}$, ${Z}_{2}\to b\bar{b}$ | ${W}^{-}\to {l}^{-}\bar{{\nu }_{l}}$, ${Z}_{1}\to {jj}$, ${Z}_{2}\to b\bar{b}$ |
B2 | ${e}^{-}\gamma \to t\bar{t}{W}^{-}{\nu }_{e}$ | $t\to {l}^{+}{\nu }_{l}b$, $\bar{t}\to {W}^{-}\bar{b}$ ${W}_{1}^{-}\to {l}^{-}{\bar{\nu }}_{l}$, ${W}_{2}^{-}\to {jj}$ | $t\to {jjb}$, $\bar{t}\to {W}^{-}\bar{b}$ ${W}_{1}^{-}\to {l}^{-}{\bar{\nu }}_{l}$, ${W}_{2}^{-}\to {jj}$ |
B3 | ${e}^{-}\gamma \to {{ZW}}^{-}h{\nu }_{e}$ | $Z\to {l}^{+}{l}^{-}$, ${W}^{-}\to {jj}$, $h\to b\bar{b}$ | $Z\to {jj}$, ${W}^{-}\to {l}^{-}\bar{{\nu }_{l}}$, $h\to b\bar{b}$ |
B4 | ${e}^{-}\gamma \to \bar{t}{bZ}{\nu }_{e}$ | $\bar{t}\to {jj}\bar{b}$, $Z\to {l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ | $\bar{t}\to {l}^{-}\bar{{\nu }_{l}}\bar{b}$, $Z\to {jj}$ |
• | f800_R1: f = 800 GeV, R = 1 (${m}_{T}\,\approx $ 1120 GeV); |
• | f800_R2: f = 800 GeV, R = 2 (${m}_{T}\,\approx $ 1440 GeV); |
• | f1000_R1: f = 1000 GeV, R = 1 (${m}_{T}\,\approx $ 1440 GeV); |
• | f1000_R2: f = 1000 GeV, R = 2 (${m}_{T}\,\approx $ 1750 GeV). |
3.1. Mode A, ${W}^{-}\, \rightarrow \,{jj}$ and $Z\, \rightarrow \,{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$
Figure 3. Normalized distributions of ${{sp}}_{T}({j}_{1},{j}_{2})$, ${{sp}}_{T}({l}_{1},{l}_{2})$, ${\rm{\Delta }}R({j}_{1},{j}_{2})$, ${\rm{\Delta }}R({l}_{1},{l}_{2})$ in the polarized signals and backgrounds for the four signal benchmark points at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2 TeV in mode A. |
Table 2. Cut flows of the signals and backgrounds at $\sqrt{s}=2$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}=3$ TeV (in parentheses) with polarized beam for the four signal benchmark points in mode A. |
Signals ($\times {10}^{-3}$fb) | Backgrounds ($\times {10}^{-3}$fb) | |||||||
Benchmarks | f800_R1 | f800_R2 | f1000_R1 | f1000_R2 | ${tbZ}\nu $ | $t\bar{t}W\nu $ | ${WZZ}\nu $ | ${ZWh}\nu $ |
| ||||||||
Original | 21(35) | 24(71) | 7.9(20) | 3.3(32) | 192(302) | 439(806) | 559(1099) | 232(464) |
Trigger | 14(24) | 15(44) | 5.1(13) | 1.9(18) | 109(161) | 204(293) | 329(604) | 130(235) |
cut1 | 11(19) | 13(39) | 4.4(11) | 1.7(16) | 24(51) | 35(68) | 106(254) | 28(69) |
cut2 | 11(18) | 13(38) | 4.3(11) | 1.7(16) | 7.7(19) | 2.8(8.2) | 26(80) | 5.6(17) |
cut3 | 7.9(12) | 8.7(23) | 2.9(6.9) | 1.1(9.1) | 4.1(8.9) | 0.8(2.4) | 4.9(12) | 1.8(4.7) |
cut4 | 7.0(11) | 8.2(22) | 2.7(6.5) | 1.0(8.7) | 2.5(5.6) | 0.009(0.06) | 2.9(8.2) | 0.9(2.8) |
Total Eff. | 33% (32%) | 34% (31%) | 34% (32%) | 31% (27%) | 1.3% (1.9%) | 0.002% (0.008%) | 0.5% (0.75%) | 0.4% (0.6%) |
Figure 4. 2σ exclusion limit in $R-{m}_{{T}_{+}}$ plane at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2 TeV (left) and $\sqrt{s}$ = 3 TeV (right). Contour plot of excluding capability at different integrated luminosities, where ISR effects are indicated by dashed blue lines, and solid blue lines indicate where ISR effects are not included. The black numbers in white box denote different integrated luminosities. The red solid line denotes the 2σ limit from the global fit of EWPO and Higgs data, and the black solid lines denote the limit based on the LHC-13 TeV. |
3.2. Mode B, ${W}^{-} \rightarrow {l}^{-}\bar{{\nu }_{l}}$ and $Z \rightarrow {jj}$
Figure 5. Normalized distributions of ${p}_{T}({j}_{1})$, ${\rm{\Delta }}R({j}_{1},{j}_{2})$, $\eta ({j}_{1})$, $\eta ({j}_{2})$ in the polarized signals and backgrounds for the four signal benchmark points at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2 TeV in mode B. |
Table 3. Cut flows of signal and backgrounds at $\sqrt{s}=2.0$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}=3.0$ TeV (in parentheses), with polarized beam, for the four signal benchmark points. |
Signals ($\times {10}^{-3}$fb) | Backgrounds ($\times {10}^{-3}$fb) | |||||||
Benchmarks | f800_R1 | f800_R2 | f1000_R1 | f1000_R2 | ${tbZ}\nu $ | $t\bar{t}W\nu $ | ${WZZ}\nu $ | ${ZWh}\nu $ |
| ||||||||
Original | 55(93) | 63(185) | 20(52) | 8.6(85) | 501(787) | 1315(2413) | 1459(2873) | 606(1213) |
Trigger | 54(91) | 62(182) | 20(51) | 8.5(84) | 487(757) | 1314(2411) | 1448(2844) | 603(1204) |
cut1 | 40(69) | 52(157) | 17(43) | 7.5(76) | 53(141) | 119(343) | 207(632) | 43(141) |
cut2 | 33(55) | 47(138) | 15(38) | 7.0(70) | 28(80) | 63(183) | 100(333) | 23(84) |
cut3 | 31(45) | 43(120) | 14(33) | 6.1(61) | 22(50) | 48(106) | 75(195) | 19(56) |
cut4 | 25(32) | 35(93) | 12(25) | 4.9(49) | 14(24) | 33(51) | 38(79) | 11(23) |
Total Eff. | 46% (34%) | 55% (50%) | 56% (47%) | 56% (57.8%) | 2.7% (3%) | 2.5% (2.1%) | 2.6% (1.9%) | 1.8% (1.9%) |
Figure 6. Data displayed as in figure 4, in relation to mode B. |