Recently, in the field of condensed matter physics, because of the continuous development of nanofabrication technology, people are more and more interested in the low dimensional system like quantum dots or quantum wells (QWs) [
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7]. QW is a kind of micro structure with two-dimensional degrees of freedom in a plane parallel to the well wall, which has a quantum confinement effect in the other direction [
8]. Its some basic characteristics are its unique optical and electronic transport properties. Zhao
et al [
9] studied the cyclotron mass and frequency of the magnetopolaron in the wurtzite
${\mathrm{In}}_{x}{\mathrm{Ga}}_{1-x}{\rm{N}}/\mathrm{GaN}$ QW. Miller
et al [
10], for the first time, determined a set of QW parameters to describe the observed exciton transition energy, which are applicable to parabolic and square GaAs QWs grown with the
$\mathrm{GaAs}-{\mathrm{Al}}_{x}{\mathrm{Ga}}_{1-x}\mathrm{As}$ system. Ryczko
et al [
11] utilized the 10-band k-p modeling spectroscopic experiment in order to verify the chemical conduction band offset and research the electron effective mass in GaAsN/GaAs QWs. Meanwhile, in presence of electromagnetic field, temperature of the system and Coulomb impurity potential (CIP) field, numerous researchers have deliberated the nature of the polaron in QWs. Guo
et al [
12] studied the variation of refractive index and optical absorption coefficients in asymmetrical Gaussian potential quantum wells (AGPQWs), considering the impact of external electric field, by employing the approach of the compact density matrix and the effective mass approximation. Sarengaowa
et al [
13] derived the ground state energy (GSE) of the strong-coupled polaron in AGPQWs by utilizing the second unitary transformation and the linear combination operator approaches. Miao
et al [
14] analyzed the impact of hydrogen-like impurities on the GSE, vibration frequency and other characters of the weak-coupling bound polaron which is under an asymmetric Gaussian confinement potential QW by the same method. Ma
et al [
15] derived a strong-coupled polaron’s excitation energy and GSE in an AGPQW with applied electric field by the Pekar-type variational method (PTVM). Xiao [
16] studied the characters of a strong-coupling impurity bound polaron in the AGPQW such as its energy levels and different states’ transition frequency. In particular, the combination of the Lee–Low–Pines unitary transformation method (LLPUTM) and the PTVM is a common research method which is used to research the properties of a polaron. The LLPUTM was firstly cited by Lee
et al [
17], and Landau and Pekar [
19] firstly used the PTVM to think over the nature of the strong-coupling polaron. In recent years, much attention has been paid to these two methods. For instance, Khordad
et al [
20], who considered a system under the condition of the asymmetrical Gaussian QW, explored the influence of the temperature on a bound polaron’s GSE and lifetime by the LLPUTM and the PTVM. Chen [
22], one of the authors of this paper, employed the combination of these two methods to study Rashba effects on a bound polaron’s first excited state and influences of the Rashba spin–orbit interaction on the period of bound polarons’ oscillation in the quantum pseudodot, considering the temperature effect. For more information about this author’s works on polarons, please refer to [
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