All the calculations were performed with a supercell approach for investigating the structural, electronic and optical properties of GaN doped with Zn atoms. The supercell of GaN is constructed while extending unit cell by 2 times in the
b and
c directions i.e. $1\times 2\times 2$ (figure
1). The lattice parameter $a=b=c=4.51\,{\boldsymbol{\mathring{\rm{A}}}}$ with inclination angles $\alpha =\beta \,=\gamma =90^\circ $ and space group F-43m are used to simulate supercell [
28]. The non-spin-polarized density functional calculations was performed in the framework of WIEN2K package [
29]. We doped GaN with different Zn concentrations, namely, 6.25%, 12.50% and 18.70% in the supercell (table
1). The Ga-3d
1, N-2s
3 and Zn-3p
2 states are considered the core states and the rest of states are assumed frozen. The generalized gradient approximation (GGA) based on Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof was employed in order to approximate the exchange correlation potential [
31]. Then on-site coulomb interaction
U (Hubbard parameter) was added to GGA functional. For strong correlation systems, the GGA +
U results provide satisfaction and are compatible with the experimental findings [
32]. Mostly, the Hubbard parameter value is opted from the justified values already reported in literature. We used the
U = 0, 2, 4 and 6 eV values of Hubbard parameter [
33] and study the effect of different
U on the electronic and optical properties of Zn:GaN. The increasing effective values of
U from 0 to 6 eV in GGA +
U calculations influence the system and improved the lattice parameter in agreement with the experimental studies. We have applied different
U values to the Zn 3
d shells and found significant improvement in the electronic structure properties. Furthermore, to check the dynamical stability, we have calculated the phonon spectra as implemented in Phonopy code [
34] within the framework of Wien2K code and are further confirmed with VASP package. Maximum value of expansion of wave function was used to be
l = 10 and potential is spherically symmetric with constant value inside muffin-tin sphere. Gaussian smearing of 0.1 eV is used and self-consistent criterion is accompanied with charge, energy and force convergence of 10
−2 C, 10
−4 Ry and 1 mRy au
−1 respectively. The RK
max value of 8 was chosen and the modified tetrahedron method in irreducible wedge is carried out using Brillouin zone integration [
35]. After accomplishing the substitution, the iteration started until the convergence criterion is successfully obtained.
k = 1000 points were used to perform calculations and relativistic effects were not incorporated in our study. Although, we have calculated all the electronic and optical properties for all
U values (0, 2, 4, 6 eV) but for sake of avoiding complexity and for better readability, we have presented only selected data. In particular, we have reported results of lattice constants, bulk modulus, minimum energies, cohesive energies, and electronic properties.