In this paper, we mainly study the time-space fractional strain wave equation in microstructured solids. He’s variational method, combined with the two-scale transform are implemented to seek the solitary and periodic wave solutions of the time-space strain wave equation. The main advantage of the variational method is that it can reduce the order of the differential equation, thus simplifying the equation, making the solving process more intuitive and avoiding the tedious solving process. Finally, the numerical results are shown in the form of 3D and 2D graphs to prove the applicability and effectiveness of the method. The obtained results in this work are expected to shed a bright light on the study of fractional nonlinear partial differential equations in physics.
Kang-Jia Wang. On the new exact traveling wave solutions of the time-space fractional strain wave equation in microstructured solids via the variational method[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021, 73(4): 045001. DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/abdea1
1. Introduction
Nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDEs) play an important role in describing various natural phenomena arising in physics [1–3], chemistry [4, 5], biology medical [6, 7] and so on [8–11]. The theory of solitons is one of the most important topics and there have been many solutions available such as generalized hyperbolic-function method [12], asymptotic methods [13], exp(−φ(ξ)) method [14], Hirota bilinear method [15], Hirota method [16], sinh-Gordon function method [17] and so on [18–20]. In this paper, we mainly study the nonlinear strain wave equation in microstructured solids which is governed as [21, 22]:
where $\kappa $ denotes elastic strains, $\varepsilon $ is the ratio between the microstructure size and the wavelength, $\alpha $ characterizes the influence of dissipation and ${\lambda }_{i}\left(i=1,2,\mathrm{...},5,6,7\right)$ are constants. The special case of $\alpha =0$ leads to the non dissipative form of the micro strain wave, which can be expressed as:
Recently, the fractional calculus and fractal calculus are the hot topics and have been widely used to model many complex problems involving in physics [23], filter [24–26], biological [27, 28], circuit [29, 30] and so on [31–33]. Inspired by recent research results on the fractional calculus, we extend the nonlinear strain wave equation into its time-space fractional form by applying the fractional calculus to equation (1.2) as:
Among the above equation, $0\lt \eta \leqslant 1,$ $0\lt \varsigma \leqslant 1,$ $\tfrac{{\partial }_{\hslash }}{\partial {t}^{\eta }}$ and $\tfrac{{\partial }_{\hslash }}{\partial {x}^{\varsigma }}$ are the fractional derivatives with respect to $t$ and $x$ that defined as [34, 35]:
For the special case $\eta =\varsigma =1,$ the fractional nonlinear strain wave equation of equation (1.3) converts into the classic strain wave equation as shown in equation (1.2).
2. The two-scale transform
The two-scale transform [36, 37], proposed by Ji-huan He, is a new transform method that has been successfully used to solve many fractional problems.
Suppose there is the following time-space fractional equation:
Thus equation (2.4) can be solved by many classical methods such as Homotopy perturbation method, variational iteration method, Taylor series method, Exp-function method and so on.
By comparing equations (3.9) and (3.7), it can be seen that the order of the differential equation has been reduced by the variational method.
4. Solitary wave solutions
In this section, we aim to seek the solitary solution of equation (1.3) by the variational theory. According to He’s variational method [51–53], we suppose the solution of equation (3.7) with the following form:
When $\eta =\varsigma =1,$ the above solution becomes the solitary wave solution of the classic strain wave equation as shown in equation (1.2).
It must be pointed out that we can obtain other soliton solutions by setting $\varphi \left({\rm{\Xi }}\right)=p\csc {\rm{h}}\left(q{\rm{\Xi }}\right),$ $\varphi \left({\rm{\Xi }}\right)=p\,\tanh \left(q{\rm{\Xi }}\right)$ and $\varphi \left({\rm{\Xi }}\right)=p\,\coth \left(q{\rm{\Xi }}\right)$ using the same method.
5. Periodic wave solutions
In this section, we will try to obtain the periodic wave solution of equation (1.3). In the light of He’s variational method [54–56], the periodic solution of equation (3.7) is assumed to take the form as:
which is the exact periodic wave solution of the fractional strain wave equation in microstructured solids in equation (1.3).
When $\eta =\varsigma =1,$ equation (5.9) becomes the periodic wave solution of the classic strain wave equation as shown in equation (1.2).
It must be noted that we can obtain another periodic wave solution by assuming $\varphi \left({\rm{\Xi }}\right)={\rm{\Lambda }}\,\sin \left(\varpi {\rm{\Xi }}\right)$ via the same method.
6. One example
In this section, we use an example to illustrate the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method. Here we set ${\lambda }_{1}=1,$ ${\lambda }_{3}=2,$ ${\lambda }_{4}=1,$ $\kappa =2,$ $\varepsilon =1,$ $v=2,$ then equation (1.3) can be written as:
Figure 1. The behavior of equation (6.2) with different fractional orders $\eta $ and $\varsigma $ at ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{0}=4$ in the form of 3D and 2D contours.
Form the 3D and 2D plots of equation (6.2) with different fractional orders $\eta $ and $\varsigma ,$ it can be found that the smaller the fractional orders are, the slower the solitary wave changes. In addition, when the $\eta \gg \varsigma ,$ the peak of solitary wave tends to be parallel to x-direction. On the contrary, it tends to the vertical x-direction. When $\eta =\varsigma =1,$ the plots in figures 1(i)–(j) are perfect bright solitary waves, which are the solitary waves of the classic strain wave equation.
6.2. The periodic wave solution
For ${\rm{\Lambda }}=4,$ the periodic wave solution of of equation (6.1) can be obtained by equation (5.9) as:
Figure 2. The behaviors of equation (6.3) with different fractional orders $\eta $ and $\varsigma $ at ${{\rm{\Xi }}}_{0}=4$ in the form of 3D and 2D contours.
Figure 2 presents the periodic waves obtained by equation (6.3), we can observe that when $\eta \lt 1$ and $\varsigma \lt 1,$ the contours are kinky periodic waves. And the smaller the fractional orders are, the larger the period is. Besides, when the $\eta \gt $ $\varsigma ,$ the propagation direction of periodic wave tends to be perpendicular to x-direction. On the contrary, it tends to be parallel to x-direction. When $\eta =\varsigma =1,$ the plots in figures 2(k), (l) are perfect periodic waves, which are the periodic waves of the classic strain wave equation.
7. Conclusion
In this paper, He’s variational method together with the two-scale transform are used to find the solitary and periodic wave solutions of the time-space fractional strain wave equation in microstructured solids. The main advantage of variational approach is that it can reduce the order of differential equation and make the equation more simple. One example is given to verify the applicability and effectiveness of the method through the 3D and 2D contours. It shows that the variational method is simple and straightforward, and can avoid the tedious calculation process, which is expected to open some new perspectives towards the study of fractional NPDEs arsing in physics.
This work is supported by Program of Henan Polytechnic University (No. B2018-40), Innovative Scientists and Technicians Team of Henan Provincial High Education (21IRTSTHN016) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Universities of Henan Province.
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