In this work, we study a generalized double dispersion Boussinesq equation that plays a significant role in fluid mechanics, scientific fields, and ocean engineering. This equation will be reduced to the Korteweg–de Vries equation via using the perturbation analysis. We derive the corresponding vectors, symmetry reduction and explicit solutions for this equation. We readily obtain Bäcklund transformation associated with truncated Painlevé expansion. We also examine the related conservation laws of this equation via using the multiplier method. Moreover, we investigate the reciprocal Bäcklund transformations of the derived conservation laws for the first time.
Gangwei Wang, Abdul-Majid Wazwaz. Perturbation, symmetry analysis, Bäcklund and reciprocal transformation for the extended Boussinesq equation in fluid mechanics[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021, 73(4): 045003. DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/abe03a
1. Introduction
The Boussinesq equation, good or classical and regularized or improved, plays an important role in fluid mechanics fields, scientific applications, and ocean engineering. The good Boussinesq equation given as
which describes the gravity induced surface waves as they propagate at constant speed in a canal of uniform depth. However, the regularized Boussinesq equation reads
where the dispersion term uxxxx is replaced by the term uxxtt that improves the property of dispersion. Boussinesq equation [1] is commonly used to describe the long waves in shallow water. The classical equation (1) is completely integrable that gives multiple soliton solutions, whereas the improved equation (2) is not integrable, Both equations (1) and (2) have been studied intensively in the literatures [1–6] and some of the references therein.
Boussinesq-type equations have attracted many authors to conduct research work on these equations that arise in a variety of scientific and engineering fields. Boussinesq-type equations arise in many physical applications such as, sound waves in plasma, horizontal layer of material, nonlinear string [1–6] etc. It is well know that many nonlinear evolution equations including Boussinesq-type equations have soliton solutions [7–9]. The bilinear method, in general, is a simple and straightforward approach to obtain soliton solutions [10–13]. In addition, symmetry and conservation laws [14–23] play a key role in nonlinear mathematical physics fields. This is due to the fact that symmetry can be used to solve nonlinear evolution equations and find their new solutions. Conservation laws are very useful to interpret and explain many complex natural phenomena, such as momentum conservation, mass conservation, energy conservation and so on. For many nonlinear evolution equations, there are not only rich physical significance, but also elegant mathematical structure.
Recently, the relationship between the symmetry breaking and the energy dissipation of the infinite-dimensional non-conservative dynamic systems was explored [24], which is the theoretical foundation of the structure-preserving approach for the non-conservative dynamic systems and resulted in the broad applications of the structure-preserving method [25, 26]. This achievement established a bridge between the structure-preserving approach and the engineering problems.
In this work, we will study the Boussinesq equation
that involves two dispersive terms, namely uxxxx and uxxtt. It is clear that if $a\ne 0$, b = 0, This equation is reduced to the good Boussinesq equation (1) [2–4, 6, 27–30]. However, for $b\ne 0,a=0$, it is reduced to the improved Boussinesq equation (2) [31, 32]. In [27] derived new similarity reductions of the Boussinesq equation (3). Moreover, authors of [28] studied non-classical symmetry reduction of the Boussinesq equation. the author in [29] considered the Lie symmetry, conservation laws and solitary wave solutions of the Boussinesq equation.
Concerning the mixed dispersive terms uxxxx and uxxtt, it is worth noting that Wang and Chen [33] studied the existence and uniqueness of the global solution for the Cauchy problem of the generalized double dispersion equation, where mixed dispersive terms, similar to what we used in (3), and they proved the blow-up result of the solution by using the concavity method and under some suitable conditions. They also emphasized that when the energy exchange between the surface of nonlinear elastic rod, whose material is hyperplastic (e.g. the Murnagham material), and the medium is considered, the double dispersion Boussinesq equation (3) can be derived from Hamilton principle, and it can also be obtained from the Euler equation for surface wave in irrotational motion. Moreover, Schneider and Wayne [34] considered the Boussinesq equation that models the water wave problem with surface tension that involves mixed dispersive terms, where this model can also be derived from the two dimensional water wave problem. In addition, Wang and Xue [35] studied the global solution for a generalized Boussinesq equation with two dispersive terms. More information about the double dispersive terms can be found in [33–35].
This paper is organized as follows, In section 2, we derive the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation from extended Boussinesq equation (3) via using perturbation analysis. Symmetry analysis is employed to investigate this equation in section 3. In section 4, Bäcklund transformation associated with truncated Painlevé expansion are addressed. In section 5, conservation laws of this model (3) are presented. Reciprocal Bäcklund transformations of conservation laws are performed in section 6. Conclusions are displayed in the last section.
In order to arrive at our goal, we set ${u}^{(0)}={u}^{(1)}=0$, and this gives $(p+1)\alpha =4\alpha ,4\alpha +2=2\alpha +4$, which means $p=3,\alpha =1$. Then (7) is reduced to
It is clear that, from extended Boussinesq equation, we also get the nonlinear KdV equation [6].
3. Generalized symmetry analysis, potential symmetry analysis and explicit solution
3.1. Generalized symmetry analysis
Now, we study equation (3) by following the generalized symmetry method as presented in the references ([14, 16, 17]). A function σ is a symmetry of equation (3), if this function satisfies
In fact, for $a\ne 0,b=0$, it is in agreement with the obtained results for the Lie symmetry method reported in [29]. Thus, it is just our special case.
3.2. Potential symmetry analysis
To conduct the potential symmetry analysis, we first rewrite (3) as conservation laws form ${T}^{t}+{X}^{x}=0$,
where $A,B$ are the integral constants. If $A=B=0$, it is a reduced equation as given in [29]. On the other hand, equation (33) gives the following form solutions
Consider the three solutions to this equation justify the inequality ${u}_{1}\geqslant {u}_{2}\geqslant {u}_{3}$, therefore, one gets ${u}_{1}+{u}_{2}\,+{u}_{3}=\tfrac{3\left({\nu }^{2}-{c}^{2}\right)}{2}$. Also,
It is clear that equation (41) includes a great number of solutions, such as trigonometric solutions, Jacobi elliptic solutions, hyperbolic solutions and so on. Here, we do not list them in details.
4. Bäcklund transformation associated with truncated Painlevé expansion
Based on the assumption presented earlier in section 2, we set
Inserting equation (48) into (3), we get polynomials of different orders of f, all coefficients of different orders should be zero. Therefore, from coefficient: ${f}^{-6}$, one gets
Substitute equations (49)–(51) into coefficient of ${f}^{-3}$, one derives an equation with regard to f. In other words, f needs to satisfy the equation of this coefficient ${f}^{-3}$ (see appendix).
Therefore, we get the following theorems is a solution of (3), where u0, u1 and u2 are given by equations (49)–(51) respectively.
If $f$ satisfies the equation of the coefficient ${f}^{-3}$, then ${u}_{0}$ is a solution of (3).
If $f$ satisfies the equation of the coefficient ${f}^{-3}$, then
In the present work, the extended Boussinesq equation (3), that involves two dispersive terms, is investigated. From this equation, we derived the KdV equation using the perturbation analysis. Then, based on the generalized and potential symmetry, the corresponding symmetries and vector fields are performed. Some explicit solutions are also given. In addition, Bäcklund transformation associated with truncated Painlevé expansion are studied. Meanwhile, conservation laws also presented. After this, reciprocal Bäcklund transformations of conservation laws are performed for the first time. In this paper, we just considered the constant coefficients case. The obtained results will be employed for further works in the future.
This work is supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. A2018207030), Youth Key Program of Hebei University of Economics and Business (2018QZ07), Key Program of Hebei University of Economics and Business (2020ZD11), Youth Team Support Program of Hebei University of Economics and Business. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11 801 133).
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