1. Introduction
2. The higher dimensional nonlinearly charged black hole with PMI source
2.1. The metric of higher dimensional nonlinearly AdS black hole with PMI source
where R is the Ricci scalar, ${\rm{\Lambda }}=-\left(D-1\right)\left(D-2\right)/2{l}^{2}$ is the cosmological constant with the radius of the AdS space l, F$\mu$ν = ∂$\mu$Aν − ∂νA$\mu$ represents the strength of the electromagnetic field, and s is the nonlinearity parameter. Based on the equation (
where ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{D-2}^{2}$ denotes the line element of a $\left(D-2\right)$-dimensional space. When considering the field equations arising from the variation of the bulk action with the metric (
where the electromagnetic field 1-form is F = dA. Notably, to keep the nonlinear term of the source, the nonlinear parameter should satisfy s > 1/2 and $s\ne \left(D-1\right)/2$. The parameters m and q are related to the ADM mass M and total electric charge Q of the black hole respectively, which reads
with the volume of a unit $\left(D-2\right)$ sphere ${\omega }_{D-2}\,=2{\pi }^{\tfrac{D-1}{2}}/{\rm{\Gamma }}\left[\left(D-1\right)/2\right]$. According to equation (
and P = −Λ/8π = (D − 1)(D − 2)/16πl2 is a thermodynamic pressure, which is a key definition in the framework of black hole chemistry.
2.2. The thermodynamics of higher dimensional nonlinearly charged AdS black hole with PMI source
The Hawking temperature of the black hole can be easily obtained as
and the entropy is
It is clear that the entropy of the black hole obeys the area formula $S={ \mathcal A }/4$ with the area of the black hole ${ \mathcal A }$. Based on the above thermodynamics quantities, the first law of black hole thermodynamics in the extended phase space is given by
where ${\rm{\Phi }}={\left(\partial M/\partial Q\right)}_{S,P}=\tfrac{{2}^{\tfrac{3-s}{2s-1}}{\pi }^{\tfrac{1}{2s-1}}\left(1-2s\right)}{1-D\ +\ 2s}$ ${{\rm{\Theta }}}^{\tfrac{1}{s}}{r}_{+}^{\tfrac{1-D+2s}{2D-1}}\sqrt{\tfrac{D-2}{D-3}}$ is the electric potential, and $V={\left(\partial M/\partial P\right)}_{S,P}\,={\omega }_{D-2}{r}_{+}^{D-1}/\left(D-1\right)$ is the thermodynamic volume, which corresponding conjugate quantity is the thermodynamic pressure P [54]. The connected Smarr relation becomes
Next, substituting equation (
According to the viewpoints in [18], the critical points of this thermodynamic system can be obtained by the conditions ${\left(\partial P/\partial {r}_{+}\right)}_{T={T}_{{\rm{cr}}}}={\left({\partial }^{2}P/\partial {r}_{+}^{2}\right)}_{T={T}_{{\rm{cr}}}}=0$, and the critical temperature is given by
Here we only express the critical temperature since it will be used to analyze the Joule-Thomson expansion of the black hole in the next section. The expressions critical pressure and the critical radius can be found in [53] if needed. From equations (
3. Joule-Thomson expansion of higher dimensional nonlinearly AdS black hole with PMI source
where ${C}_{p}=T{\left(\partial S/\partial T\right)}_{P}$ is the heat capacity at constant pressure. For $\mu$ > 0, one has a cooling region in the T-P plane, whereas a heating region appears for $\mu$ < 0. Moreover, when the Joule-Thomson coefficient vanishes, one can obtain the inversion temperature ${T}_{i}=V{\left(\partial T/\partial V\right)}_{P}$. In [53], the phase structure of higher dimensional nonlinearly AdS black hole with PMI source is analogous to that of Van der Waals system. Thus, it is interesting to investigate the throttling process of the higher dimensional nonlinearly AdS black hole with PMI source. Now, substituting the thermodynamic quantities of the black hole into equation (
It is obvious that the Joule-Thomson coefficient (
Figure 1. (a)-(c) The influence of D, Q and s on $\mu$BH, respectively. (d)-(f) The influence of D, Q and s on T, respectively. |
For further investigation of the inversion curve of the higher dimensional nonlinearly charged AdS black hole with PMI source, we plot figure 2 in the T-P plane.
Figure 2. The inversion curves for various combinations of D, Q and s. |
It is worth noting ${r}_{\min }^{{\prime} }$ should be neglected since it always negative. Substituting ${r}_{\min }$ into Ti of equation (
Utilizing equation (
Table 1. The ratio $\eta$BH for various nonlinearity parameter s and dimensions D. |
Nonlinearity parameter | Dimensions | $\eta$BH |
s = 1 | D = 4 | 0.500 000 |
D = 5 | 0.471 957 | |
D = 6 | 0.452 802 | |
D = 7 | 0.438 933 | |
D → ∞ | 0.333 333 | |
s = 3 | D = 4 | 0.458 603 |
D = 5 | 0.434 455 | |
D = 6 | 0.414 689 | |
D = 7 | 0.399 481 | |
D → ∞ | 0.272 727 | |
s = 5 | D = 4 | 0.449 778 |
D = 5 | 0.427 255 | |
D = 6 | 0.407 755 | |
D = 7 | 0.392 523 | |
D → ∞ | 0.263 158 | |
s = 7 | D = 4 | 0.445 956 |
D = 5 | 0.424 204 | |
D = 6 | 0.404 849 | |
D = 7 | 0.389 624 | |
D → ∞ | 0.259 259 |
Figure 3. Relationship between the ratio $\eta$BH and the dimension D for different s. |
By using equation (
Figure 4. The isenthalpic curves for various combinations of D, s and Q. |