It is known that the rotational symmetry of a nuclear or hypernuclear system is not conserved in the mean-field calculation, so the mean-field states in the intrinsic frame of reference are not exact eigenstates with good angular momenta. In this paper, the AMP are used technically to restore the rotational symmetry and the energy curve $E(\beta ,J,K)=\tfrac{{H}_{{KK}}^{{\prime} J}(\beta ,\beta )}{{N}_{{KK}}^{J}(\beta ,\beta )}$ is much better to demonstrate the impurity effect of the Λ hyperon on ${p}_{{\rm{\Lambda }}}$ orbital. Panels (a) and (b) of figure
2 show the
J = 0,
K = 0) for the core nuclei
24Mg and
28Si, respectively. It is found that both the oblate and prolate energy minimum of
J = 0,
K = 0) are more obvious than those of the mean-field PES shown in figure
1. If the energy of the core nucleus with a spherical shape,
Espherical, is chosen as the reference point, we can see that the prolate energy minimum of
24Mg and the oblate energy minimum of
28Si are 2–3 MeV lower than
Espherical, respectively, as in figure
1. On the other hand, for the the energy curve
J = 0,
K = 0) in figure
2, prolate energy minimum of
24Mg and the oblate energy minimum of
28Si are both 6–7 MeV lower than
Espherical, which indicates the more obvious energy gains compared to the mean-field PES. For the same kind of energy curve,
J = 0,
K = 0), the oblate minimum of
24Mg and the prolate one of
28Si are also deepened by the AMP. It must be mentioned that the two minima of
J = 0,
K = 0) for
24Mg are probably saddle points in the
γ direction [
60]. Figure
2 also shows $E(\beta ,J=\tfrac{1}{2},K=\tfrac{1}{2})$ for the configuration
24Mg $\bigotimes $ ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[110]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ and
24Mg $\bigotimes $ ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ in Panel (a), and for the configuration
28Si $\bigotimes $ ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[110]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ and
28Si $\bigotimes $ ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ in panel (b). In both panels we can see that the Λ hyperon occupying the orbital ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[110]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ enhances the prolate energy minimum and reduces the oblate one, while the one occupying the orbital ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ leads to opposite impurity effects. As is mentioned above, the Λ hyperons occupying orbital ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ and ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{1}{2}}^{-}$ have nearly the same impurity effects to the nuclear core, so $E(\beta ,J=\tfrac{3}{2},K=\tfrac{3}{2})$ for the configuration
24Mg $\bigotimes $ ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ and
28Si $\bigotimes $ ${\rm{\Lambda }}$[101]${\tfrac{3}{2}}^{-}$ are not shown in figure
2 for simplification.