NLSEs are the stem of various studies in the physics of nonlinear optics. These equations have the property that, in the presence of Kerr nonlinearity, they are integrable when the real and imaginary parts are linearly dependent. The PNLSE was remarkably analyzed in the literature. It describes the pulse propagation that results from self-steepening, self-phase modulation and third-order dispersion interaction. Also, it is used for investigating an ultra-short optical pulse propagating along the nonlinear fibers with the Raman effect and self-steepening. Single-mode propagation of ultrashort optical pulse is governed by a generalized NLSE. An extended version of a NLSE, including polarization effects, high-order dispersion, Kerr and Raman nonlinearities, self-steepening effects, as well as wavelength-dependent mode coupling and nonlinear coefficients, was studied in [
1]. In [
2], the inverse scattering transform with one parameter was used to inspect the breather-like four-parameter soliton solutions. By using the extended sinh-Gordon expansion method, the space-time fractional PNLSE equation was considered in [
3]. In [
4], the extension of the rational sine-cosine method and rational sinh-cosh method was employed to construct the exact traveling wave solutions of PNLSE. In The two variables (
G, 1/
G)-expansion method, to obtain abundant closed-form wave solutions to the PNLSE, was implemented [
5]. Dark and singular solitons for the resonance PNLSE, with beta derivative, were investigated in [
6]. The conformable fractional derivative was used for constructing exact solitary wave solutions to the fractional PNLSE with quantic nonlinearity. Further, the effects of nonlinearity on the ultrashort optical solitons pulse propagation in non-Kerr media were investigated in [
7]. In [
8], complex solitons in the PNLSE model, with the help of an analytical method, were obtained. By using the modified mapping method and the extended mapping method, some exact solutions of the PNLSE were obtained in [
10]. In [
11], the PNLSE has been investigated using the sub-equation expansion method. Further relevant works were carried out in [
15]. In [
16], the problems of the existence of quasi-periodic and almost-periodic solutions and diffusion for NLSEs with a random potential were analyzed. The chiral NLSE, with perturbation term and a coefficient of Bohm potential, was considered in [
18]. The variational iteration method for obtaining bright and dark optical solitons for (2+1)-dimensional NLSE, that appear in the anomalous dispersion regimes has been considered in [
19]. An analytic description of NLSE breather propagation in optical fibers, with strong temporal and spatial localization, was investigated in [
20]. The Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar equation was studied, with the aid of the extended trial function method to recover optical soliton solutions in (2+1)–dimensions, in [
21]. In [
22], a new coupled NLSE was proposed where it is proved that it is completely integrable. The improved ${\tan }(\varphi (\xi ))$ expansion method was employed to find the solutions of the PNLSE [
23]. The direct algebraic method and the first integral method were used in [
24] and [
25] respectively for finding exact solutions of the PNLSE. Here, the extended unified method is used to find similariton solutions of the PNLSE. Together with introducing complex amplitude transformations [
32]. Relevant works were also carried out in [