Errata and Addendum: Magnetic properties of an antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 XYZ model in the presence of different magnetic fields: finite-size effects of inhomogeneity property (2019, Commun. Theor. Phys.71 1253–1260)
Sachin Kumar
1, 2
S M Yusuf
, 1, 2
1 Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India
2 Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400094, India
We report the correct results for the antiferromagnetic s = 1/2 XYZ model system considered in (2019, Commun. Theor. Phys.71 1253). We also point out the correct model system used for the reported results therein.
Sachin Kumar, S M Yusuf. Errata and Addendum: Magnetic properties of an antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 XYZ model in the presence of different magnetic fields: finite-size effects of inhomogeneity property (2019, Commun. Theor. Phys.71 1253–1260)[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2022, 74(8): 085703. DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/ac66cd
The antiferromagnetic s = 1/2 model chain system under the presence of homogeneous as well as inhomogeneous longitudinal, transverse, and staggered transverse magnetic fields takes the following form,
The integers j = (1, 2, 3,...,N) run over the number of spins, and Jx, Jy and Jz represent the nearest neighbor Heisenberg exchange interactions. Sx, Sy, and Sz are spin-1/2 operators. Bz, Bx and ${B}_{x}^{{\rm{stag}}}$ denote the uniform longitudinal magnetic field, transverse magnetic field, and staggered transverse magnetic field, respectively. The staggered transverse magnetic field ${B}_{x}^{{\rm{stag}}}$ is related to longitudinal field Bz as ${B}_{x}^{{\rm{stag}}}=\sin \theta \,{B}_{z}$ [1, 2]. The degree of inhomogeneity in longitudinal, transverse, and transverse staggered fields is controlled by parameters bz, bx and λ, respectively. We have set the gyromagnetic g-factor and Bohr magneton coefficient μB equal to one in equation (1). We use periodic boundary conditions SN+1 = SN for solving the eigenvalue equation Hψ = Eψ for H in equation (1).
In this note, we will briefly discuss the results of HXYZ for two cases: k = z, x (i.e. Sk = Sz, Sx). The antiferromagnetic s = 1/2 chain system considered in equation (1) in (2019, Commun. Theor. Phys.71 1253) [1] corresponds to a case of equation (1) for k = x (i.e. Sk = Sx). Here, we find the magnetization of the antiferromagnetic s = 1/2 chain system at low temperature T = 0.1Jz in presence of homogeneous magnetic fields keeping inhomogeneous field parameters to zero for N = 6. We have taken the conventional Heisenberg exchange interaction constants as Jx = 8Jz and Jy = 10Jz for the results in this note. In figure 1(a), we plot the magnetization M/Ms of the spin chain system (equation (1)) as a function of Bz/Jz for the case k = x. We see two weak magnetization plateaus M/Ms = 0 and M/Ms = 1/3 at different transverse magnetic fields Bx/Jz and a low staggered transverse field with θ = π/30. We see that this result doesn’t match with the magnetization curve reported in figure 2(a) in [1] for the same set of parameters. In figure 1(b), we plot the magnetization M/Ms of the spin chain system (equation (1)) as a function of Bz/Jz for k = z (i.e. Sk = Sz). We see the presence of one more plateau M/Ms = 2/3 in addition to M/Ms = 0 and M/Ms = 1/3 plateaus. These plateaus gradually convert to their counterpart quasi-plateaus on increasing the transverse field Bx/Jz. Magnetization M/Ms saturates at a lower Bz/Jz value than the magnetization in figure 1(a). This result matches exactly with what is reported in figure 2(a) in [1]. Figures 1(c) and (d) show the magnetic susceptibility X for the case k = x and k = z respectively. The rest of the parameters are kept to be the same as used to find the magnetization. Susceptibility shows the peaks in those regions of applied field Bz/Jz at which quasiplateau/plateau arises in the magnetization curve. Peaks in figure 1(c) around Bz/Jz = 8 indicates the possible presence of a meager plateau M/Ms = 2/3 in the magnetization curve (figure 1(a)) around the same Bz/Jz. Susceptibility displays non-monotone behaviour at zero applied field on increasing transverse field. Susceptibility decreases steeply in strong longitudinal magnetic field region Bz > 10Jz for all values of Bx/Jz. This result again does not match with the corresponding susceptibility result in figure 2(c) in [1], while the susceptibility result for the case k = z plotted in figure 1(d) here matches well with the corresponding susceptibility as reported in figure 2(c) in [1]. For a detailed explanation of results, we suggest the paper by the authors in [1].
Figure 1. (a) Magnetization M/Ms and Susceptibility X as a function of applied longitudinal magnetic field Bz/Jz for a set of transverse magnetic fields Bx/Jz (colored lines) and low staggered transverse field with θ = π/30 at low temperature (T = 0.1Jz) has been plotted. Here bz, bx and λ = 0. Jx = 8Jz and Jy = 10Jz. (a) and (c) correspond to the case k = x in equation (1) for N = 6, and similarly (b) and (d) correspond to the case k = z in equation (1) for N = 6.
We also find similar differences in magnetization, and susceptibility results in figure 3 reported in [1] when inhomogeneity in magnetic fields is considered. Same stands for specific heat results in figure 4 reported in [1].
We conclude that the results of the model system considered in [1] are different than what is reported there. We have reported the correct results for the model system considered in equation (1) (i.e. k = x) in [1]. We have also pointed out the correct model system (i.e. k = z) used for the results reported in [1].
Arian ZadHZoshkiASabetiM2019 1-Magnetic Properties of an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 XYZ Model in the Presence of Different Magnetic Fields: Finite-Size Effects of Inhomogeneity Property Commun. Theor. Phys.71 1253