Theoretical MACSs are calculated by the HFSM with the Talys program [
61], which depends on the inputs including the level density models and the
$E1$ gamma-ray strength functions. We employ 6 level density models and 8
$E1$ gamma-ray strength functions, and thus have 48 combinations in total. The 6 level density models include constant temperature
$+$ Fermi gas model (CTM) [
62], back-shifted Fermi gas model (BFM) [
62], generalised superfluid model (GSM) [
62], microscopic level densities (Skyrme force) from Goriely's tables (HFBCS) [
63], microscopic level densities (Skyrme force) from Hilaire's combinatorial tables (HFB) [
64], and microscopic level densities (temperature dependent HFB, Gogny force) from Hilaire's combinatorial tables (T-HFB) [
65]. The 8
$E1$ gamma-ray strength functions include Kopecky-Uhl generalized Lorentzian (KUGL) [
66], Brink-Axel Lorentzian (BAL) [
68], Hartree–Fock BCS tables (HFBCS) [
70], Hartree–Fock–Bogolyubov tables (HFB) [
71], Goriely's hybrid model (GHM) [
72], Goriely T-dependent HFB (T-HFB) [
60], T-dependent RMF (T-RMF) [
60], and Gogny D1M HFB + QRPA (D1MHFB) [
60]. Other inputs are taken as the default settings of the Talys1.9 [